Post advice, projects you've done, or cool things other people have done with an Arduino.
Just got one. I have the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit. I made a weather station with it (see Advanced Topics, there's a topic about it there).
I'd love to get one to fool around, but I don't have money for one currently.
...Seriously. My current electro-tinkering rig consists of a bunch of scavenged components, a simple starters' kit and a rusty soldering iron c:
I have a Mega2560 right next to me, actually. Haven't done much but make it play music though.
But I have a plan to interface it with my Parallax Propeller board (8 cores at 80Mhz, capable of VGA graphics and PS/2 keyboard/mouse, but not much memory) as a memory controller to make a simple computer.
I'm working on a ping controlled probe, but the total price would be over 150, so I have to wait to mow lawns over the summer to buy the ping sensor, and since i can't get more than one, it has to move around the robot using motors.
Well, I made a Flashy-Light Thing™