I have two students creating a review game on Nutrition. They have created a baseball field in which each time a person gets the answer correct the ball moves one base. If the question is wrong, then they umpire calls out "strike". After 3 strikes, the game is over.
Our problem is that we have to use two new keys for each of the answer choices. There are 10 questions which means 20 keys have to be used. The question has only 2 answer choices.
How can we use the use the same keys for the answers for each separate question? Or more easily, 10 questions, each with two answers, and also a/b are the choices. We are presenting this game at the NCTIES conference in March. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
You can use just 2 keys, easy! Let me go make a project real fast and and link it to you, so you can see how.
Use the
<<> or <>>block, and put the keys inside it.
firedrake969_test wrote:
Use the
<<> or <>>block, and put the keys inside it.
I dont think that helps them in this case. ^^
Download this project I made, it shows you what you can do(This is the simplest way):
But I still thinks the
[] or []will work.