Hi there! I've been chosen to be curator in a few weeks or so! I'll be curating three projects a day, so I need a lot of projects! Here's where you can help me! Just suggest projects, and I'll look at them. You could possibly even get your project curated!
Here are some rules:
•The project must have less than 50 Views
•The project must have less than 10 love-its
•You must not have been on the front page in the last 6 months
•The project cannot be violent
So, get suggesting!
Last edited by ImagineIt (2013-03-03 09:25:37)
Would you mind taking a look at this game? I am very proud of how it came out, but it has almost no views and no loveits.
Does 36 views count? It only has one love-it so that should make up for it. Super Comic!
Congratulations! I don't know any curator worthy projects but I'll look for some.
Thank you all for your suggestions! I will consider your projects! Please note, this does not mean for sure that I am going to curate your projects.
Congrats ImagineIt! Remember me? Well I am working on a really big project. It's in the works still, and should be uploaded in a few months, but I will work on it 3x the amount. I posted a topic in the Help with Scripts forums because I got stuck with ScrollY. If you could check it out when it is finished, I would be very appreciative. I will let you know (if you want) when the project comes out. It would also be a great help if you could check out my topic in the Help with Scripts forums. Thanks.
Of course I remember you! But please do not ask for help on my thread. I'd rather if you asked me on one of my projects next time.
Congrats, Imagineit! Take a look at this project of mine: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/funnymee323/3081563
can you look at supreme os plz I would post a link but im on my ipod
Releasing a portal gun engine.
Not good graphics though.
Find a very new scratcher who has one game. Curate it. Imagine how happy they would be?
i agree lund
lundfamily3 wrote:
Find a very new scratcher who has one game. Curate it. Imagine how happy they would be?
Well, that'd be nice, but it might not be curation-worthy. I know my first project was not worth curating. If it's good enough to be curated, definitely take it over a project from a more well known Scratcher, but don't waste those curator spots.
I've been working on the project for 48 painful hours, so can you please have a look at it
NOTE: It might be better if you downloaded it, but it's your choice. Just consider the better choice though
P.S Going to add music soon, so hang tight!
Hello there!
I would be very happy if this project was reviewed.
If the link doesn't work, then please to go my projects and select "stop".
Hi, can you please check out an animation I made here ? I worked SUPER hard on this, my first animation, sort of. Thank you so much!
ImagineIt wrote:
Hi there! I've been chosen to be curator in a few weeks or so! I'll be curating three projects a day, so I need a lot of projects! Here's where you can help me! Just suggest projects, and I'll look at them. You could possibly even get your project curated!
Here are some rules:
•The project must have less than 30 Views
•The project must have less than 10 love-its
•You must not have been on the front page in the last 6 months
•The project cannot be violent
So, get suggesting!
Wait a minute... I think that the "30 views" rule and the "10 love-its" rule is not fair. I can advertise on show and tell, you know, and by that my project has 37 views and 8 love-its. This violates the "30 view" rule, except I think my project deserves to be curated. If advertising your project makes it uncuratable, then I will never advertise ever again.
bob6 wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
Hi there! I've been chosen to be curator in a few weeks or so! I'll be curating three projects a day, so I need a lot of projects! Here's where you can help me! Just suggest projects, and I'll look at them. You could possibly even get your project curated!
Here are some rules:
•The project must have less than 30 Views
•The project must have less than 10 love-its
•You must not have been on the front page in the last 6 months
•The project cannot be violent
So, get suggesting!Wait a minute... I think that the "30 views" rule and the "10 love-its" rule is not fair. I can advertise on show and tell, you know, and by that my project has 37 views and 8 love-its. This violates the "30 view" rule, except I think my project deserves to be curated. If advertising your project makes it uncuratable, then I will never advertise ever again.
Sorry. Just try to advertise more and maybe you can make it to top viewed!
Aww, congratz! I'm still struggling to get to be a curator.
I can't find a good project. It looks like EVERY of my project was higher than 30. If I found a nice project, I'd be happy to suggest it to you
Happy curating!
Alright guys, limit changed to 50 since 30 is pretty low now that I think of it.
Imagelt i have a project i made that has only 8 views and 1 love-it i have been making it for a week but no one views it can you help?