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I made this club to discuss what we do and don't like about the new scratch and hints and tips.You can also talk about the projects you made thanks to the new scratch and how the new scratch upsets you from people copying you.It doesn't matter how long or short your comments are.But here are the rules: being mean must be a girl
3.stay on topic about one thing per comment the other members of the club
6.don't brag
7.don't waste the room you have in your comment
If you don't follow the rules,I'll post your name so me and no one else will reply to you.
Please join.There will special times where I'll post puzzles and quizzes and times were we can get off topic.
The scratch 2.0 beta helps for some things but is very confusing.And I can't veiw my new messages on it without seeing my old ones.I can't even veiw my messages from the old scratch.I like the old sratch better.It was less confusing and I could delete old messages and have a less confusing page and more.There are some good things about it though.Like that I can see how they made it and it's organized better for some things.But another bad thing is that the colors don't fit in.But at least I can make a project straight from the website now.But like I said,since I will only be using the old scratch,It will be hard and confusing to check my mail.
If you want to discuss 2.0, it's better to do it on the 2.0 forums instead of having a bunch of separate topics.
Last edited by Mokat (2013-02-13 19:59:08)
We are very interested in your opinions of Scratch 2.0! But we are having that discussion on the 2.0 forums - please use those.
As for a club that excludes some Scratchers (girls/boys/etc.) - I'm not sure that I understand why you feel that is a good thing. Ever Scratcher has opinions - and some of them may be shaped by their interests - but It's not clear to me why we need to group things by boys and girls. Perhaps it would be be better to try and keep the discussion grouped by Scratch 2.0 functions: the message center, the paint editor, the new blocks and so on, as we have been doing.
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