I'm wondering could you have 3 or 4 questions on scratch.
when gf clicked ask [what is the capital of ireland?] and wait
when gf clicked forever if <(answer) = [dublin]> say [Correct!] for (3) secs
when gf clicked forever if <(answer) = [warsaw]> say [bad!] for (3) secsNow if i wanted to have a different question for example where is Brazil,
Here's your solution:
when gf clicked ask [What is the capital of Ireland?] and wait if <(answer) = [Dublin]> say [Correct!] for (3) secs else say [Sorry, that is incorrect!] for (3) secs end ask [Will you insert another question here?] and wait if <(answer) = [Yes]> say [Correct!] for (3) secs else say [Sorry, that is incorrect!] for (3) secs endAsk you can see, you can just duplicate the code for one question and add it to the same stack, and it will ask another question directly afterwards.
No problem! Good luck with your project
Another thing that you might want to do is repeat the question until the correct answer is given -- if so, you can use this code for each question:
ask [What is the capital of Ireland?] and wait repeat until <(answer) = [Dublin]> say [Sorry, that is incorrect!] for (3) secs ask [What is the capital of Ireland?] and wait end say [Yes, that is correct!] for (3) secs
warioty wrote:
So even if somebody didn't answer anything yet it would say "sorry that's incorrect"?
yeah, as long as they pressed enter.