Talk about the DS here.
It is awesome. I have had mine for a long time like over 4 years.
It haz the GBA slot and the others(DSi DSIxl 3DS) dont have it.
i have way to many games that I cannot list them here XD
Talk about the DS here.
fire219 wrote:
I have a DS Lite and DSi. I used to love both of them, but they are mostly unused nowadays. I have an Android smartphone now, which has much better games and graphics.
Yeah, I have a 3DS now and my DS lite has these black lines on the screen that wont go away and I have lost lost the piece that goes over the GBA slot
I have my red DS Lite, unfortunately the hinge is cracked, but it still works. I never had a DSi. I might get a 3DS soon though.
The GBA Slot doesn't matter to me really because I already have a GBA from my very young days.
I have a DS lite and a 3DS
Used to own a DS lite, it died recently though :c
R.I.P. technoguyx's DSl, 2008-2012 :cc