i would like several blocks in the next / future scratch builds... below is a list of the blocks i would like to have
1. block that detects if it is in a browser or in scratch.
2. an fps detector.
3. a volume block that works when exported onto the site.
4. video capability?
5. webcam input.
6. recording campability
7. proper input capability (without the question / ask)
8. bounce movement block (like if touching red bounce... similar to if on edge bounce block)
thanks for your interests... others please post your block requests below rather than making a new topic/thread to make the moderaters here able to check just 1 thread/topic.
Last edited by acid (2009-07-08 13:45:16)
this should be in all about scratch, i would move it but i'm not a moderator lol and there's webcam input in scratch 1.4 just to let you know
Last edited by dsdude10 (2009-07-05 04:11:35)
Well, I know through the source code that the scratch team is working on similar things...
There are also A LOT of cool new blocks in streak. (streak.t35.com)
Last edited by billyedward (2009-07-05 07:53:10)
Okay... What about a <number> / <letter> block so that you can tell stuff to happen if a variable is a number but not if it's a letter? etc.
Also... [If <variable> contains letter <t?>] this would be useful.
How about a 'if [ ] of list includes [ ]? In other words, a block that checks if in a sections of a list, if there is something in it. Like if I entered in 'Hello there!' and the block could check to see if there is the word 'Hello' in there.
This could prove very useful in chatbots.
hey hey hey scratch 1.4 has just released and u r asking for 1.5 be patient man but really some of those blocks are essential and by the way there should be an ability to delete unused default variables
Jonathanpb wrote:
How about a 'if [ ] of list includes [ ]? In other words, a block that checks if in a sections of a list, if there is something in it. Like if I entered in 'Hello there!' and the block could check to see if there is the word 'Hello' in there.
This could prove very useful in chatbots.
Yup definately I would LOOOOVE that block!!!!!!!!
BlueFlame wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
How about a 'if [ ] of list includes [ ]? In other words, a block that checks if in a sections of a list, if there is something in it. Like if I entered in 'Hello there!' and the block could check to see if there is the word 'Hello' in there.
This could prove very useful in chatbots.Yup definately I would LOOOOVE that block!!!!!!!!
I would too!
dsdude10 wrote:
this should be in all about scratch, i would move it but i'm not a moderator lol and there's webcam input in scratch 1.4 just to let you know
2 things:
1. No, it's a suggestion!
2.i think he means VIDEO. Lol caps lock!