if <You read this> Than post some funny scripts while saying "I WISH I COULD FLY!" Instead of Say [I WISH I COULD FLY!] (don't do this way!) else Realize [I'M FALLING OFF A CLIFF!!!!!!] Say as if a mysterious godly voice from sky [Told ya so! HAHA!]
when you wake up in the morning on Saturday If <smart> Realize [It's Saturday] Say [OMG IT IS SATURDAY!!] Grab [Party Poppers] else Tweet [GRRRRRRRR WHY SCHOOL HAS TO BE SOO STUPID!] Say [UUGGGHHHH I hate school soooooo much!] Switch FaceBook status [GAWD, I'M AS BORED AS A BOAR!]
This forum section is for helping with actual scripting problems...if you want to practice with the Scratchblocks, please use this topic.