I'm afraid of storms.
Anything that moves when I don't think it will. Most things supenatural. Loud, unexpected noise. A lot of other stuff I won't name here. That's all.
the mob
not being accepted as "cool" by my peers!!!!!!
oh also the classic human fear, that of dying.
well it's not really a fear
more of a nonacceptance
i don't want my particles composing something else's body!
I think I'm most afraid of fear itself.
RoyalHi5 wrote:
I'm scared of getting sleep paralysis 0.o
I got that once or twice. It was really scary. I wanted to wake up, but my body wouldn't let me. D:
Both being too free or not free enough
Last edited by bananaman114 (2013-01-26 23:56:48)
bananaman114 wrote:
Both being too free or not free enough
dont disillusion yourself
you have no free will
you are of the hivemind
well i hope that helped you get over your fear
zubblewu wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
Both being too free or not free enough
dont disillusion yourself
you have no free will
you are of the hivemind
well i hope that helped you get over your fear
being of the hivemind, fear is impossible
individuality is an illusion
seriously though lets not do this again
bananaman114 wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
Both being too free or not free enough
dont disillusion yourself
you have no free will
you are of the hivemind
well i hope that helped you get over your fearbeing of the hivemind, fear is impossible
individuality is an illusion
seriously though lets not do this again
is fear considered an emotion
if so remember it does not exist, we are all sociopaths
disillusioning ourselves
zubblewu wrote:
well it's not really a fear
more of a nonacceptance
agree here, i struggle to accept the concept of me one day not being alive, so to speak.
Fear itself, clowns, and long words.
OverPowered wrote:
long words
hippomonstrousesquippedaliaphobia ey
Wickimen wrote:
death and being a lonely hermit when i grow up, both of which are inevitable
Wickimen wrote:
death and being a lonely hermit when i grow up, both of which are inevitable
where is your shaq gonna be, then?
I soppose, not much really. All fears seem seem silly as soon as you think. Always be anchored to your reality. (Learned that when confronting fear of spiders...was terrified until I saw a tiny little garden spider.)