I don't know how to use operators and I have seen other Scratchers use them but I dont know how to and I need help! Please reply immediately!!!!
Operators are blocks mainly used to do mathematical concepts. They are always light green. Here's an example of one:
They can also return statements for multiple outputs. Here's an example:Whenclicked
Ifvariable>10Setvariable ▼to4+variable
Al the light green blocks are the operators. To use the operators, you drag them like other blocks, but these can only fit into other blocks, so they can't connect to the bottom of a block but can go in another.Whenclicked
iftouchingorsprite 1 ▼?touchingsprite 2 ▼?move4steps
Last edited by turkey3 (2013-01-26 18:32:55)
You could also do it so you have an or. Like so (not in Scratchblock form, on my iPod):
if (key w) or (key up arrow) clicked
move [10] steps