Thanks this helps alot
Lanie wrote:
*Don't post that you are leaving on the forums> it gets really annoying when people say it and then come back when people beg em not to go
Some people may do this so that they are given a reason why not to.
i realy think i should be more apreciated, i mean, i try my best to draw good, and most of the time i get at least 10 through 20 views and at least 3 of r 2 comments, i mean i'm never going to be popular, i barley even post!! i have at least 24 posts right now! for example, one time i showed my friend a request thing i did for levi623 and i only got like, two comments! and my icon realy doesnt change a thing, i mean mine was 100% made by me! it took me forever to do, and it was my first run cyle EVER!!!!!
i wish i was popular like Jbutts 10, because that like, after two days, shes got at least sevendy comments! and my highest viewed was at least 85 views, with 32 comments, but the most comments i've gottern were 33, on my birthday project, which kinda dissapoints me!
Good tips. Thnx for helping us all out!
Very Helpful!
Another Good Tip: Make your icon represent what you make and do, so people will click on you when you make a comment. Exp.: My Icon's a pokemon fusion, so people who like Pokemon and/or Fusions will click on me.