With Scratch 2.0 around the corner, I had the idea to create a real time RPG that I call red Vs Blue. The idea would be your put into either team red or team blue. Once on a team, your given the goal to complete tasks to earn points for your team. First team to a certain amount of points (I was thinking 10 000 000) wins.
Tasks would come in the form of little mini games. Some would take skill while other would take luck. After beating a task, you are given a few coins to spend on yourself and some points that are added to the live score counter.
It's a quite expansive project... and I've always had troubles explaining things and that's why I'm not going to go that into depth with things just yet. If you want to help, fill out this form:
What you would like to help with? (ideas, graphics, etc)
Rate your programming experience from 1-10
Rate your graphic designing experience from 1-10
Rate your activity level on Scratch from 1-10
Do you have Skype, MSN, etc (Not required but highly encouraged)
Are you a Scratch 2.0 alpha tester?
Any additional information you would like to add?
Post this form in a reply. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If you want my Skype it's iProbacon.
What you would like to help with? ideas and scripts. (ideas, graphics, etc)
Rate your programming experience from 1-10 10
Rate your graphic designing experience from 1-10 8
Rate your activity level on Scratch from 1-10
Do you have Skype, MSN, etc (Not required but highly encouraged) nope
Are you a Scratch 2.0 alpha tester? no
Any additional information you would like to add? I know I haven't made a project yet, but i'm working on a few that will be awesome.
What you would like to help with? (ideas, graphics, etc) Ideas/Scripts
Rate your programming experience from 1-10: Hmmm.... I'd say 15 from the other applicatoins
Rate your graphic designing experience from 1-10: 3--I can do pixel art somewhat badly
Rate your activity level on Scratch from 1-10: 15
Do you have Skype, MSN, etc (Not required but highly encouraged): I'd rather not say.
Are you a Scratch 2.0 alpha tester?: YESYESYESYES
Any additional information you would like to add? Many awesome projects ( ), own a successful collab for 2.0, review shop, Scratch veteran ( ), critical of work, and I've been testing for over a month.