Looking for a little help with a top down shooter that will later on be turned into a pdf file project for other people new to scratch like my self.
The plan so far...
have enemys moving down twoards your plane and shooting at you while you move left and right and shoot the enemy planes and rack up points and have a boss after some time. also a life counter say you get 3 man
so objects and script needed
player plane
players shot
enemy plane
enemy shot
boss plane
boss shot
score counter
life counter
Sound effects
at the moment i have the player plane sprite made and moving left and right using the arrow keys trying to figure out how to make it shoot a bullet with the space
well...press space spawns the bullet. bullet moves up twoards top of the screen if it collids with the enemy said enemy blows up...
as simple as this project sounds in my head it will probly be over complicated by the time i am done with it
Omania1 wrote:
Hey when you need soundeffects i can help you .
Thank you...but at the moment I am stepping back to get a well defined plan of action befor i go any where.
Having a clear defined plan of what i want to do with my project is my new goal i have a name for it now and wish i could edit my post so i could update that post with what i have so far
tldr::::game and level design
Ähm have you seen my Scratch 2.0 Project "Stick Warriors online". I will made this project soon with many weapons, maps and more. i made it in English and in German. Ih hope that the cloud-lists will update very fast so that there are no bugs.
Hey guys just wanted to give a update of my progress and direction of the game.
I have a name for the game now and have decided to go retro with a poke at asteroids called BLASTAROIDS but use the top down shooter instead of the free spin they have.
The reasoning behind this is because I suck at graphics, so basic black and white seemed like a pretty cool idea and if the game is fun then so what about the graphics.
Enjoy this little look at the start screen...in progress(sorry can not use img tags yet)
I plan on animating the start screen with the ship flying back and forth shooting the giant blastaroid and smaller parts falling off down towards the ship while it weaves back and forth.
Also an options info button and credits will probly be added to the start screen.
Wanted the game to have a start screen as most people do not have it on there games hopefully it will explain the buttons or lead to options that will show the buttons intsead of just overlaying it ontop of the game itself to make a look a bit cleaner I guess
After I get the start screen working I will upload a copy so people may use the code lay out as a templet for there projects but please give credit.
If you have any code to suggest for the implimentation of any of the ojbects listed below the help would be appreciated even if already done.
Start screen
Start button
Game screen
Score counter
Life counter
Space ship
Bullet == http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=113377
Big Blastaroid == http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=113377
Small Blastaroid
Game Over Screen
High Score
One thing I have yet to bother with is the sound effects at the moment...getting the game togather and near finished then I will just plug those in.
Also how many post till I get to edit my post and use img tags?