Recently, a fan-favorite, fan-made abridged version of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic received what every fan-based content creator dreads: A cease and desist letter from Hasbro's legal department.
And so my heart died as one of the oldest and most popular fan creations was put to rest. Of course, the creators are contesting it, but against Hasbro's legal department, they don't stand much of a chance.
Where has the 'bro' gone in 'Hasbro?'
And so I began thinking. By doing this, Hasbro is definitely getting on the bad side of many bronies like me, and is earning a negative reputation. Some time back, MLP: Online was shut down as well. What's next? Fighting is Magic, another-potentially-questionable-fan-made-cartoon-that-I-won't-mention-the-name-of-because-it's-not-appropriate-on-Scratch?
Obviously this is done without the consent of the creators, because Tara Strong and the other members of the cast are pretty cool with what we internet dwellers are doing. Instead, control is in the hands of those who own the property, not in the control of those who make it. And by the hands of those who own the property, of course, I mean the faceless corporation that is Hasbro.
More specifically, it's legal department.
So I ask you Scratchers; what do you think of this issue? Should Hasbro be more lenient with fan made content? Should we retaliate in some way? As a whole, bronies have done good before. Let's stand up for ourselves now.
And thus ends my rant for the day.
no thats pretty good
im annoyed that i cant watch my little pony with any of my sisters without misclicking something and ending up on an inappropriate twisting
it'd be fine if they kept to their own sites and video hosters, but on youtube it's really dangerous for little girls
also imo theyre putting the little in my little pony
Remember when Hasbro forced the ST to delete that PAC man project
Namco, right? Hasbro owns some of Namco's stuff, but I don't think it owns Pac-man.
Hardmath123 wrote:
Namco, right? Hasbro owns some of Namco's stuff, but I don't think it owns Pac-man.
Yeah, it was Namco. Skyline probs either made a mistake or just a typo.