Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, which is one of my all time favorite books, is actually an analogy for modern society and their vulnerability to peer pressure. The Green Eggs and Ham are supposed to represent drugs and alcohol and other things that shouldn't be mentioned on these forums, that anyone who tries to keep themselves away from whatever the clique is will eventually succumb to it. The character "Sam I Am" is trying to get the unnamed character to eat it no matter what. Those who try to convert those not already converted will stop at nothing until it happens. There's virtually nothing that society can do about it. It's inevitable.
Mind blown.
no sam i am is the unnamed character's mother whose trying to get the unnamed character to try something new
y'know, things toddlers deal with
That's actually a really good point.
propogandise them from a young age??
luiysia wrote:
additionally a) when wasn't peer pressure a thing, do you know what a lynch mob is b)this book was written in 1960 which isn't really that modern
It doesn't matter when. I'm sure Dr. Seuss didn't mean for this kind of allegorical side-theory, just as a light hearted children's book, just that today people see things in different ways, influenced by the real world events.
Besides, I'm not ragging on this book in any way, it so happens to be my favorite book of all time.
If it's supposed to be about peer-pressure, then the unnamed character would have still said no at the end. It's about being open-minded.
Oh my word...
wow, just
holy heck that's mind blowing
actually i think it's just a children's story about open-mindedness
but whatever floats your boat, kid
Again guys it's just a theory.
I think it's a great book all around, and I always saw it as an inspiration to me because in real life I wasn't a very open minded person at all.
So you guys say it's "about open mindedness", sure thing, I don't disagree.
Giant Mind Explosion.