How about
<players viewing> switch to project [1 v]So that you can track how many people are viewing your project and switch to another of your projects.
when gf clicked if <(players viewing) > [5]> say [yay loadsa players today!] end
when gf clicked ask [do you want to change projects?] and wait if <(answer) = [yes]> switch to project [2 v]
switch to project is not necessary. just make a link.
"players viewing" can be achieved using cloud data
kayybee wrote:
the "switch to project" would just be abused by making people switch to every single of of their projects, without asking.
After the second switch I would personally probably catch on and hit the stop button on my browser. There's a reason why it's there.
lalala3 wrote:
kayybee wrote:
the "switch to project" would just be abused by making people switch to every single of of their projects, without asking.
After the second switch I would personally probably catch on and hit the stop button on my browser. There's a reason why it's there.
or it can just not be implemented.
if you want to link to a project put it in the project notes and let people click it if they want