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My version (Scratch 1.1 on Mac OS X) froze when I got up to 60 costumes on one sprite (copies of the default costume on the default sprite).
When I try to 'share', scratch seems to see the size of the jpegs as their full uncompressed size, telling me it is trying to upload 13 Mbytes and sometimes freezes my computer. So, if you have a lot of jpegs you can easily go over the 10 Mbyte limit even though on disc they are like 2 Mbytes in total. However, when I chose the 'compress images' option I was able to upload.
You are correct Vega. I am advocating in the Scratch team for automatic compression of sounds and images. Going to extras and then compress is what you can do right now. You're on the right path.
The limit of sprites and costumes resides more on the power of your hardware and the SqueakVM. I would say just try it and see how far you can go. It also depends on the size of costumes and sprites.
Scratch on!
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