My script so it would stay on the platform.
when gf clicked forever if <touching [Sprite4 v]?> change y by (5) end if <not <touching [Sprite4 v]?>> change y by (-5) endWill that script not work if I add collision detection so walls
Last edited by fetchydog567 (2013-01-05 21:02:46)
No, that wont work, one of the best ways to do a simple collision detect is to use a sensor costume with 4 coloured sides, and make it change to that while it's detecting, then change back. it'll be going so fast you can't see it.
zammer990 wrote:
No, that wont work, one of the best ways to do a simple collision detect is to use a sensor costume with 4 coloured sides, and make it change to that while it's detecting, then change back. it'll be going so fast you can't see it.