This is my second account I always wanted to be apart of the Scratch team
Hi there, sorry to disappoint you, but you must be at least 18 to work for the Scratch Team as these are paid jobs.
What you can do, though, is wait for a while and prove that you're a helpful, friendly member of the Scratch community. However, this might take a little while; I'd say around a year or so.
If you keep doing that, you might get lucky once community moderator elections roll around, if you'll be at least 13 by then.
Oh, and this would probably belong in QaS, I'll request for it to be moved there for you
Last edited by CylonToast (2013-01-05 08:55:57)
In order to become part of the scratch team, you would need to get a job at the MIT Media lab. it would be impossible for most people because they don't live near boston in the USA. and also you would have to be the age of 18 or more.
don't you need to be at least 18 to become an undergrad student though
and uh no you don't need to work at the mit lab
if youre a good community moderator then you can become scratch team
Last edited by jukyter (2013-01-05 16:37:45)
jukyter wrote:
don't you need to be at least 18 to become an undergrad student though
unless you graduate high school at 17 and are accepted into MIT your senior year, then you can be in college at 17
this usually involves skipping a grade or two or more
You have to be at least 18 yes... The next best thing is becoming a community moderator. You have to be at least 13, I think.
Necromaster wrote:
You have to be at least 18 yes... The next best thing is becoming a community moderator.
You have to be at least 13, I think.
Yep, 13 is the current minimum age.
You don't have to go/have been to MIT
Cheddargirl and Paddle2see didn't
Mokat wrote:
THey were elected as community mods then they became ST
Well, actually, Paddle and I were moderators before the elections were introduced. ^^ But, yeah, we were some of the ST members who mare not students of MIT but became ST members after having helping out the Scratch Community for a long time.
Well, scmb1 recently became a member of the ST. (Anyone notice her asterisk?)
And i'm pretty sure it's not a paid job.
scimonster wrote:
Well, scmb1 recently became a member of the ST. (Anyone notice her asterisk?)
And i'm pretty sure it's not a paid job.
I hadn't
When'd that happen? And why's she not one on the forums?
And I believe that for some, it is a paid job (Lightnin said something about this a while back I think?) and for others, it's just part of their university studies.
veggieman001 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Well, scmb1 recently became a member of the ST. (Anyone notice her asterisk?)
And i'm pretty sure it's not a paid job.I hadn't
When'd that happen? And why's she not one on the forums?
And I believe that for some, it is a paid job (Lightnin said something about this a while back I think?) and for others, it's just part of their university studies.
A few days ago. It looks like either they didn't want to up her status on the fora, or else they forgot.
scimonster wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Well, scmb1 recently became a member of the ST. (Anyone notice her asterisk?)
And i'm pretty sure it's not a paid job.I hadn't
When'd that happen? And why's she not one on the forums?
And I believe that for some, it is a paid job (Lightnin said something about this a while back I think?) and for others, it's just part of their university studies.A few days ago. It looks like either they didn't want to up her status on the fora, or else they forgot.
Ah, cool. Congrats, scmb1, if you read this!
scimonster wrote:
Well, scmb1 recently became a member of the ST. (Anyone notice her asterisk?)
And i'm pretty sure it's not a paid job.
Isn't scmb a he? EDIT: Nope, I'm wrong.
I think it is. All their names are on the MIT Lifelong Kindergarten Group.
EDIT: For the sake of clarity, the "I think it is" refers to being paid.
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2013-01-06 11:03:05)
scmb1 wrote:
Thanks guys!
I am super excited to be able to help out with this community more. (And, to clear the pronoun confusion, I am in fact a "she"
I was thinking of someone with a similar username. Sorry. c:
First, you need to be able to speak English correctly. Second, you need to move to Massachusetts. Next you need to apply for a job at the MIT Lifelong Kindergarten Group. Sorry, but you can't do that when you're 9.