In this topic, I will be saying stuff about infinity, and problems for you to answer. Feel free to disagree to or question my answers. I would love feedback. Thank you!
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English infinite "the quality of having no limit," from early French infinité (same meaning), derived from Latin infinitus (adjective) "having no limit," from in- "not" and finitus, past participle of finire "to limit, bring to an end," from finis "end, limit" --related to DEFINE, FINAL, FINISH
1 a : the quality of being infinite b : a space, quantity, or period of time that is without limit
2 : an indefinitely great number or amount
3 : a point infinitely far away
Cool Things About It:
1. Have you ever heard about the infinitely small number? I don't mean -∞. I mean the number infinitely close to 0, which is 0.0000000... 1. Let us call it x. So what is x·∞? Can you figure it out? You have 1 hour til I give you the answer. I will also explain it. You have until one hour from the time this was posted. GO!
Last edited by RoboNeo9 (2013-01-04 10:52:28)
I like how loopy the symbol looks.
That's all I gotta say.
We have had our first guesser! Keep guessing! I will tell you who is right at the end!
haxcharsol wrote:
I like how loopy the symbol looks.
That's all I gotta say.
HINT: Think Fractions.
18 minutes left! We need more than one person answering!
Extended to end of the day. Can't finish contest in 10 min. Ends in 9 hours and 20 min.
well technically you're not supposed to perform operations on infinity because it doesn't quite work out
I mean like you can't go inf+4 cause that gives you inf
or like 3*inf is inf
so you really shouldn't do that
perhaps only -inf and 1/inf
As infinitesimal could equal 1 - 0.999.....
Which could also mean 1-1. Infinity times 0 is 0.
You can trace the infinity symbol on paper for infinity.
you can't ask infinity times 1 because infinity isn't a number so there is no answer.
werdna123 wrote:
you can't ask infinity times 1 because infinity isn't a number so there is no answer.
werdna123 wrote:
you can't ask infinity times 1 because infinity isn't a number so there is no answer.
Infinity is a number. It is considered a hyperreal number. You may also find it under surreal.
trinary wrote:
poopo wrote:
Anything divided by zero = infinity.
It's also undefined for real numbers, unless the numerator is 0, in which case it would be indeterminate.
It is the official decision, that in all cases it is undefined, that is a shortcut so you don't have to even try to plug infinity in. But in truth n/0=infinity. The smaller a number you divide by the larger the output, so when you divide by 0, the smallest number, the output is the largest number, infinity.
because you can come from both sides
if anything it would be a number that makes the number "line" into more of a "circle"
Last edited by zubblewu (2013-01-04 18:28:13)
Technically, the x * infinity would be 0, or undetermined. First, 0.00000... (infinitely) ... 01 would be 0. If you had infinite 0s between the decimal and the last 1, it would be 0. Second, infinity is NOT A NUMBER. IT IS A CONCEPT.
RoboNeo9 wrote:
werdna123 wrote:
you can't ask infinity times 1 because infinity isn't a number so there is no answer.
Infinity is a number. It is considered a hyperreal number. You may also find it under surreal.
Actually, it's not...
A number infinitely close to zero is, for all intents and purposes, zero. Therefore, I see two possible answers:
1. Zero.
2. Infinity effectively has no value, and there are even different levels of infinity (aleph-0, aleph-1, etc.). Therefore, the answer which I support is "undefined" or "infinity".
An infinitely small number has no definition, so there can't be a defined answer.