wolves4ever10 wrote:
I have one, But I don't know how to get it here to look likke the picture.
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/284/7/d/dream_catcher_mlp_version_by_hluper-d5hhraz.jpg there is the picture anyway
Her name is Dream Catcher. And no, No cutie marks, I am horrible at them. Besides she's actually one of my arabian horse characters anyway.Not Mlp, But if I draw my little pony, She will most likely be the character.
Awesome! I added her name to the list.
4th page! Woo!
Last edited by BLU_Spy (2012-11-18 08:19:53)
Im too lazy to draw/make one.
It would be teal with orange hair. The symbol would be a dollar bill.
nama wrote:
her name is agnry hoofs so take good car of her
The work of art!
fillergames wrote:
Im too lazy to draw/make one.
It would be teal with orange hair. The symbol would be a dollar bill.
and what kind of talent would have a dollar bill as an interpretation?
jukyter wrote:
fillergames wrote:
Im too lazy to draw/make one.
It would be teal with orange hair. The symbol would be a dollar bill.and what kind of talent would have a dollar bill as an interpretation?
Don't know. Scaming people for money?
Serpent song .3.
When I USED to like MLP.
Er... bump?
I like to make OCs that don't stand out very much (No fancy clothes, no markings, etc). They're typically more accepted by the community.
My first one is Ob Sidian, who is an adult and still hasn't earned his Cutie Mark. He's very ashamed.
My other one is Mist Whisper, a timid yet social pegasus who has a secret crush on Sidian. Because I love shipping my own characters together.
I use both of them in an RPG. They're an inseparable pair, even though Sidian doesn't know about the crush yet.
Coincidentally, Mist is almost a recolor of Derpy. I didn't intend on doing that, but that's what the result was.
Last edited by Sausagefanclub (2013-01-03 18:40:32)
@Sausagefanclub Cool! I also use my OCs on an RP!
More of my characters:
Sun Thunder
Vanilla's best friend, studied with him at Primary School. He isn't very brave, unless he's defending his friends. But Sun has a strange brain disease, that makes him evil sometimes. It rarely happens, though. (I was too lazy to make him a Cutie Mark. -.-)
Moon Light
Also studied with Sun and Vanilla. She likes to be with her friends, rather than being alone. She recently became Sun's girlfriend.
Dark Chaos
Represents the element of darkness. She can consume other ponies' souls and spread chaos, to make her stronger. Dark recently decided to be good, but she still has problems with her sister... She has also a daughter, called Coal Mist.
Princess Lumen
Also known as Light Harmony or the Muffin Master, Lumen represents the element of Light, and is Dark Chaos' young sister. She used to be a good pony, until the day she decided to have revenge against her sister, who killed their parents and damaged Lumen's brain, when she was still known as Derpy Hooves. Then, she got mad with power and started blaming the whole society, when she decided to create the Muffin Factory, where she killed Vanilla. Right before the ponies escaped, Derpy was killed by his friends, then somehow was revived, became Princess Lumen, revived Vanilla, and then hypnotized him, along with Fluttershy. Recently she was defeated once again, and one of my non-pony characters turned her into a statue.
Ponies without a design yet:
Snow Violet - Vanilla's mother.
Coal Mist - Dark's daughter, as mentioned before.
Random unnamed ponies - Trapped in the Muffin Factory.
Last edited by BLU_Spy (2013-01-10 19:05:56)
I have a new OC named Violette Ruby, but I haven't decided on her appearance yet so I don't have a picture right now.
I do know she is from Canterlot though, so she will have a styled mane.
Out of the 3, she'll probably stand out the most. I'll still try to avoid using excessive accessories though. In the actual show ponies usually don't wear clothes unless they're in Canterlot or Manehatten, or are going to a special occasion.
I shall make a pony.
But I shall do it later...
I don't watch the show but...
Here's my pony! LIEK A BAWS.
No cutie mark. Cuz, I'm to lazy to push buttons.
Her name is Sapphire Pineapple.
Alright, here's my pic for Violette Ruby:
She's got sort of a laid-back, abrasive personality. She's good at heart, but kind of irritating. Her talent was jewelry making, but she grew tired of it eventually and started pursuing other hobbies. She likes to seduce stallions (especially Sidian, even though he's already in a relationship with Mist now), hoping she can find a good relationship. She usually fails.
She lives in Canterlot, although she likes to travel back and forth between different towns.
I appreciate you, bronies. I'm a girl, but here.
Flash Wildfire is a young filly. If you wanna see a speed demon, she's a pretty good example. If you see her jump 3 times and kick with her right back leg, she's about to take off. Get outta the way! Once she's off, she's light-speed. Currently she is trying to make waves by flying around water, and control the wind. Pretty good progress, the water is rippling. And, birds are getting outta the way, because she can cause a big draft!
She helps people by blowing the leaves off their gardens.