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#1 2013-01-01 19:35:15

Registered: 2012-06-30
Posts: 37

Warrior Cat Collab (I Need Members!!!)

There is a huge community of Warrior Cat loving people here on Scratch, some old and some young that can all make a heck of a game! Well, this idea floods in and out of this forum and it's about someone determined came through and truly put in the effort to make this dream come true! We need to make a Warrior Cat Scratch game!

There are a few things we need to decide first, what KIND of game will it be? Will it show Rusty growing up into Firestar, or will it show a new warrior growing up? Then, we need to discuss which person it's in, are we looking through the eyes of Rusty/the warrior or do we see Rusty/the warrior and simply control him/her.

Next, we are going to need a lot of help. Here is the list;

Artist Divison-




Creating Divison-

Basic Creators

Glitch Finders

I will be adding more. Please apply! More info is coming soon!  big_smile




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