Ok, so, I'm relatively good with Scratch, but one thing that's always bugged me was how 2D and computer-screen confined everything is. The addition of the camera blocks in upcoming 2.0 is a step in the right direction, but I'm just going to throw this out there: Using a Microsoft Kinect to, well, 'Kinect' with Scratch. Possible? Maybe? If so, how?
Thoughts would be much appreciated.
I wrote a program in January 2011 that lets you program your Kinect with Scratch.
It's free and available from scratch.saorog.com
The latest version was released at the end of July and has 2 player sketetal tracking, 3D and support for Windows and XBox Kinects. It is available from Windows 7 & Windows 8 only at the moment.
Hope you enjoy it
you could make a camera if yo had lots of picoboards and color sensors you could make a camera (resistance sensors hooked up to image sensors!)