I've been looking through my old posts, and I found this gem of a topic.
Discuss all your old posts, and post stupid ones! For hilarity's sake!
Behold, my fail.
I really miss Misc. MaC and RaP aren't the same.
EDIT: This is the only one I wanted to revisit because it's funny, yet embarassing. One of my very first posts was so mean and bad I banned myself from the forums for a year. And then I found Misc.
(No, the Scratch team didn't ban me, but I did get my first and only warning.)
EDIT AGAIN: Okay, I'll revisit ONE MORE and that's it. Here is the very first post and topic I made. SO NOOBY NOOBY NOOBNOOB.
EDIT AGAIN AGAIN: Forget what I said, I found some lulzy stuff.
Wow, I was desperate.
That was very immature of me.
Simon who?
Last edited by ToxicQuillz (2012-12-29 22:45:49)
I remember that thread
not toxicquillz one tho
i dont even want to go back and touch my old posts
they are so
and i'm probably going to look back on the posts i made today and say
i don't ever remember liking the yogscast/how to search for a youtube channel for dummies by 01
and here comes the stupidity, i even posted it in show & tell before it got moved -__-
another mc topic (theres quite a lot of those by me : P)
just lol
discussing errors is totally fun
anybody remember this from the "i'm quitting scratch" fad? xD
this topic. (click this link and you'll see what i did there. : P)
if i find any other ones i'll be sure to edit this post
Last edited by ProgrammingPro01 (2012-12-29 21:51:39)
I wasn't a grammar noob, but this is pretty good.
This is pretty dumb, too.
Last edited by owetre18 (2012-12-29 21:55:37)
WOULD I MAKE A GOOD MOD?!?!?!?!??!?!?111!?!/
Last edited by ProgrammingPro01 (2012-12-30 12:24:36)
ProgrammingPro01 wrote:
Hey look, something I commented on.
You're doing it wrong.
I still have no idea what happened on that day.
Typical Youtube comment.
That's the worst Jak and Daxter referance I've ever made.
Last edited by ToxicQuillz (2012-12-29 22:44:25)
ToxicQuillz wrote:
Someone made a topic about that game before?
I was thinking of making one, but I won't seem so underground and cool now that people know it's mainstream.
You watch azurite *brofist or something*
Okay now I'll actually post my gems
I had horrible grammar and posted horrible music.
Participated in an old Scratch Sim collab. I was so excited 'cause archmage personally invited me to it lawl
ROBLOX noobishness
My first posts were actually quite normal, if you ignore the horrid grammar. :c
EDIT: moar
One of the first TBGs.
Some adoptable blocks I made lol
These aren't mine but I found them interesting:
How often do you see 07ers now?
gee I wonder when Scratch 1.5 is coming out
post counts were srs bsns back then
Last edited by technoguyx (2012-12-30 12:23:42)
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 83#p109983
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 32#p109032
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 80#p421680
in response to a topic titled, "zOMG I ma going to EUROPE!" I demonstrated my unbeatable humour with the witty, "I went on a holiday to Europe... it lasted all my life ".