If you already know how to use variables, you might find these helpful.
If you right click (windows) or ctrl click (mac) on a variable, you a menu will pop up. I has four options.
1. Normal Readout: When you create a variable, this is the default veiw.
2. Large Readout: This is a larger display of the variable, but the variable name is hidden
3. Slider: This creates a slider that a user can change. It shows the name of the variable and the value of the variable. The default range is 0-100
4. Hide: A shortcut that hides the variable
If you change your variable to a slider, a new option appears:
Set Slider Min and Max: If you click this option, a window pops up. You can now set the minimum and maximum. The minium does not have to be 0. Click OK to continue.
Hope that helps
I right clicked <{ Variable }> and it just came up with help!
greenflash wrote:
If you already know how to use variables, you might find these helpful.
If you right click (windows) or ctrl click (mac) on a variable, you a menu will pop up. I has four options.
1. Normal Readout: When you create a variable, this is the default veiw.
2. Large Readout: This is a larger display of the variable, but the variable name is hidden
3. Slider: This creates a slider that a user can change. It shows the name of the variable and the value of the variable. The default range is 0-100
4. Hide: A shortcut that hides the variable
If you change your variable to a slider, a new option appears:
Set Slider Min and Max: If you click this option, a window pops up. You can now set the minimum and maximum. The minium does not have to be 0. Click OK to continue.
Hope that helps
Nice tips! I just thought of a suggestion having to do with variables, so I will make a post about it. Thanks for the nice tips and the inspiration.