Agg725 wrote:
Mokat wrote:
Agg725 wrote:
I have something to say about private messaging. What if I have a friend on scratch who won't be coming back to my school next year, he lives an hour or more away, and we don't have email , and he doesn't know my address or phone number, yet I know his. I don't use the phone often, i forget to mail things, and the last time I made myself an email account, Mom told me I wasn't old enough. How do I get my number and address to him? Also there's certain things I can say to him because he's not a stranger. For instance: I'm super extra careful about internet safety. I don't put pictures of me or my relatives online, and I don't use the first names of my relatives. But I can tell him anything about that in private messaging. i understand that scratch is public, but would you think it's very fair to people like me who don't have anyone to talk to over summer break but one person?
If you know that person's phone number, just call him/her.
I have limited use of the stupid phone.
I'm sorry, that sounds like a personal problem (not trying to offend you, I had this problem before too). Perhaps you can ask your mom and see if she'll let you use her email or ask her for a solution. Since this is just a limited problem that not many people have and it will cause many problems, the scratch team has decided not to implement private messaging. Sorry.
There are only 8 now.
What were the old ones? (Wow, i'm forgetful. )
although it isnt necessary I think you should write about what is planned for Scratch 2.0, because I see a lot of people suggesting things that are planned already
You have to moderate like a lot of chat rooms, (If they put multiple but they said no to chat rooms,) you have to moderate everyoneand EVERY SINGLE POST!
The problem I have is I have projects that need secret codes and passwords, but you can download them and cheat.
scimonster wrote:
There are only 8 now.
What were the old ones? (Wow, i'm forgetful.)
The ones I took out were Front page arguments, Scratch 3D, Speech recognition, old TBG summary, Scratch on mobile devices, sprite cloning, and the old thing about lowering the age limit to run for community mod
WeirdF wrote:
I'd already got to my 50th project before I realised the forums existed (bad spacial awareness), so I wasn't aware of these arguments. My only problem is that most of them don't seem to have been resolved, since people are still arguing? And also, I was wondering if you could look at my suggestion for scratch.
I like the hand illusion picture just 'cuz. By the way I do not spam on intent.
you should add something about subscribing to forum posts
i see suggesions about this all the time.
Here's a little something you can talk about in this topic!
Last edited by legobob23o (2012-09-20 06:27:33)
There shouldn't be a download lock Scratch is all about remixing
And some people look at scripts to see how they do stuff.
And there should be messages if someone quotes your post.
Last edited by Nekrobat (2012-10-28 15:31:02)
Thanks! cool done explain sir!
nice update
seanbobe wrote:
locking: why don't you just lock uploading remixes?
cheddargirl wrote:
But wouldn't the option to refuse download be against Scratch's motto to imagine, program, and share?
The Wiki knows all.
2 words suggestion: multiple stages.
when gf clicked wait [10] seconds go to stage [2] out of 5 end say [add this] for [3] seconds
when gf clicked forever if <(stage) > [10]> go to stage [10] out of 30
Last edited by happyjoey2012 (2012-12-24 02:48:43)
Actually, on #6, on 2.0, we're having icons.
happyjoey2012 wrote:
2 words suggestion: multiple stages.
eg:when gf clicked wait [10] seconds go to stage [2] out of 5 end say [add this] for [3] seconds
You mean like "rooms" in gamemaker? Support.
Guy's I am new in this forum,I did not know more about this what have you disused here.
So many thanks to you.
stop all
repeat ((pick random (1) to (25))) add [(pick random (0) to (10))] to [Numbers v] end wait until <loud?> repeat (lenght of [Numbers v]) say [(item (any v) of list)] for (2.5) secs end