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#1 2012-12-16 19:24:48

Registered: 2012-12-16
Posts: 500+

Voices and sound effects needed for anime series!!!

Hey guys, if you would like to be a character for my new anime series, plz let me know. I need 3 boys, 1 girl and someone to do all the sound effects. The characters are:

Aidon: Is male leader of Canis Lupus clan(is part wolf). Is calm and is liked among the clans.

Akado: Is male leader of Panthera clan(is part panther). Is quiet but can be quite fiesty. Is hated among the clans.

Suna: Is male leader of Mus Musculus clan(is part mouse). Is very sneaky. Some clans don't like him.

Miabi: Is female leader of Felis Catus clan(is part cat). Is up herself, thinks that she is the best leader. She is quite crazy sometimes. Sometimes, the clans go against her.

For example if you want to be Aidon, post a project called: ' voice audition for Aidon'. When auditioning plz say 'hello, my name is ... and I am the leader of ..."

If you don't get a role, there are plenty of roles I haven't thought of yet. There are to more female leaders, but I am one of them and so is horseymadgal. I'll probably need deputys and clan members as well.

If you want to do all the sound effects, plz send a project called ' sound effects for madbunnygal's anime series.' On it, plz send a thunder sound, wave sound, wind sound and some horse sounds (gallloping and neighing).


From madbunnygal


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