I'm seeing it in a couple of hours. It's like 3 hours long. If each one is that long it'll be much longer than the lotr movies, despite the lotr books being about 9 times as long as the hobbit.
But I'm fine with that tbh, I've heard they are adding a sort if backstory to fill up some time. And they probably won't end up missing out any parts that diehard fans would complain about, simply because they have no problem with time.
Yeah, I saw it yesterday. It was really excellent, and there was quite a bit of backstory. It's kind of amusing that they're turning the book into two or three movies.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Oh! Well, okay, close this one and bump that one up please.
Also, scratch what I said about not being true to the book, it's just that I haven't read The Hobbit in such a long time.