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#1 2012-12-11 20:00:03

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Scratch Forums Tips and Reminders

Here's a list of tips and reminders that everyone should read, as they are helpful and save many people's time.
[0 is a temporary one that I should remember to remove after it becomes obsolete.]

No matter how many times you ask, a date isn't going to poof up! So stop asking!
It will be announced soon.

1. Don't spam.
If it wasn't obvious enough. Don't make Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages all around the forums cause it will be reported/deleted.

2. Don't block spam (putting random scratch-blocks in your posts).
Similar to the previous one. Random scratch-blocks are also spam. It is not spam however if you are showing your script/giving an example of a script.
It is annoying, however, when you use scratch-blocks when unnecessary, as in in:

when gf clicked
repeat until <(problem solved)=[yes]>
  say [help me solve my problem!!!!!11!1!!]
This could easily be said with words such as: "Help me solve my problem please."
If you would like to test your blocks, use the preview button next to the submit button or post here.

3. The report button is not necessarily bad.
You can report your own post. It won't get you in trouble if you have a reason to. The report button can be used for reporting inappropriate posts (such as spam), but can also be used to move a topic to the right category or close your own topic after you feel discussion is no longer needed.
So don't be afraid to report your own posts if you need to!

4. Post your questions in their own topics.
If you have a question, don't just find a random topic and ask it on there. Chances are, you won't get an answer because most people will skip over the post or not even know it's there!
However, if you post a new topic (thread) in the appropriate forum, other Scratchers will know you have a question/problem, and you can get more answers/ask more questions!
This is especially helpful on extremely popular threads such as the curator thread, and most posts there are applications for curators. People might not know you have a question!

5. Be nice.
Yes, be nice. This applies in real life too. Respect others on the forums and try not to cause any problems/flame wars.

6. The Scratch Wiki exists.
REALLY?!?!?! Oh wait. I knew that.
If you have any problems/questions, you can always search the Scratch Wiki for 24/7 help.

7. The people answering your questions are real people, not robots. (hopefully)
If your answer is not in the wiki, and you've asked it on the forums, wait!
The people answering your questions have to eat, sleep, go to school (for some of us), and live their normal life. We can't spend all our time answering questions. So if your topic doesn't get responses immediately, wait a while, post a "bump" (to bring your post to the top of the list) and wait some more. Go play outside or something. But bring your phone so you can check.  tongue

8. Bumping is not to be abused.
Don't bump every five minutes. I personally think once per day is more than enough. If no one is posting on your thread after you bumped it several times, it usually doesn't mean people haven't noticed it, but don't want to post/don't have anything to contribute. If the viewcount is super high, that usually is it. If the views is lower, people just might not be interested in your topic. If it's a question however, it usually gets views. But perhaps not the ones in MaC or RaP.

9. There is this thing in the top right-hand corner called the search bar.
Search before posting questions. You don't have to go through every thread, but your question might be on the first page of the search page.

10. Stickies are usually to be read first if it's in caps and tells you to be read first.
This means you should read the sticky in the suggestions forum before posting there. There are many suggestions which have been denied, yet many people are still suggesting them.

11. This list is not finished yet.
I just can't think of any quickly. If I sat here I probably could but homework's not going to do itself.



#2 2012-12-11 21:15:22

Registered: 2012-11-08
Posts: 100+

Re: Scratch Forums Tips and Reminders

A lot of these are common sense but sadly some people still do these. Very good, hopefully it might reduce some of this behavior.



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