Sorry lunalovegood, humhumgames hasn't been active for ages, and to be accepted, she needs to say so, so join in as if you were a member until humhum comes back, and then quote your application.
Hi all Sorry i've been so inactive. End of term tests coming up and i've been revising D:
Anyhoo how abut some christmas stories. We could hold a little competition? 500 words with a christmassy theme. What do you guys think? Might be fun
Hi Luna Sorry about that
I don't know why humhum hasn't been on
Maybe PinniPediator could take over while she's gone? Acting Manager?
Whisperfur wrote:
Hi all
Sorry i've been so inactive. End of term tests coming up and i've been revising D:
Anyhoo how abut some christmas stories. We could hold a little competition? 500 words with a christmassy theme. What do you guys think? Might be fun![]()
Hi LunaSorry about that
I don't know why humhum hasn't been on
Maybe PinniPediator could take over while she's gone? Acting Manager?
Competition: Yyyyeeessssss llleeeetttt tsssss
Pinni taking over: Umm, ok (XD)
mintfang wrote:
Whisperfur wrote:
Hi all
Sorry i've been so inactive. End of term tests coming up and i've been revising D:
Anyhoo how abut some christmas stories. We could hold a little competition? 500 words with a christmassy theme. What do you guys think? Might be fun![]()
Hi LunaSorry about that
I don't know why humhum hasn't been on
Maybe PinniPediator could take over while she's gone? Acting Manager?
Competition: Yyyyeeessssss llleeeetttt tsssss
Pinni taking over: Umm, ok (XD)
I was only suggesting that as it might be better to get more members as right now we only have 3/4 kinda active people.
So yeah, i'll open a new thread or project for the Bookworm Studio's Christmas Story Competition Should non members be able to enter and it be a voting system; so after the deadline people can vote for their favourite story????( Cause i'd like to enter as well XD) It may also get people to join?
Me?? Manager?? Okay, acting manager??? Why me? I'm not a leaderly person at all! I will be if you want that, but is a slightly random request.
A competition sounds good. Voting. Hmm.
Don't let non-members enter, if non-members want to enter, they can join! You were saying we didn't have very many people at the moment!
Apart from those points, i love your plan! I think free-for-all voting would have to be very organised, but apart from that, great!
pinnipediator wrote:
Me?? Manager?? Okay, acting manager??? Why me? I'm not a leaderly person at all! I will be if you want that, but is a slightly random request.
A competition sounds good. Voting. Hmm.
Don't let non-members enter, if non-members want to enter, they can join! You were saying we didn't have very many people at the moment!
Apart from those points, i love your plan! I think free-for-all voting would have to be very organised, but apart from that, great!![]()
If you don't want to be acting manager, I can X3
Pinnipediator seems like a great leader, if you guys want. I'm sorry that I haven't been checking Scratch a lot. If you want, I could close this thread and you can open up another one.
humhumgames wrote:
Pinnipediator seems like a great leader, if you guys want. I'm sorry that I haven't been checking Scratch a lot. If you want, I could close this thread and you can open up another one.
Anyway, seconded, and i will be manager if you want, but i will still recognise humhum's authority to regain her control at any time she should so wish.
I don't know-i thought we all were.
I like the election idea, but personally, i think that whoever ends up manager, they should recognise humhum's authority to temporarily take over whenever the need suits her and that whisperfur is organising the christmas challenge whether she ends up manager or not.
Who wants to be a cantidate for manager?
pinnipediator wrote:
I don't know-i thought we all were.
I like the election idea, but personally, i think that whoever ends up manager, they should recognise humhum's authority to temporarily take over whenever the need suits her and that whisperfur is organising the christmas challenge whether she ends up manager or not.
Who wants to be a cantidate for manager?
Me. I'm a natural born leader, not bragging, and I like responsibility.
I respond to leadership naturally and, if i become a leader, i have never considered myself above anyone else-i respect those around me. I have been declared organiser for the democratic collaboration-style xi, in their second restart (style xi 3) which is yet to start, but the election topic (style xi 2) is where the post of orgniser is explained and i am nominated for that position. If you want a look.
As manager, my first act would be to declare tri-monthly (every three months) democratic re-elections.
Pinni has my vote
Okay, i'll open up a thread tomorrow and psot a link( Too late right now, i'm half asleep XD)
Anyhoo, yeah, :p
If I were elected manager, I would make this as friendly as possible. I would only let people join who seem like they REALLY want to join. Anyone who dosen't, well, sorry.
I would maybe make this more centered around writing, not talking about books. I mean, that's what this was created for. We could post drafts, have contests, and maybe talk about books if we were bored or something.
I am mintderp, and I approve this message!
Ohhh DL I don't know! Both of you sound good D: ):
I guess i can vote for myself too then.
I have my vote- i will encourage what this collab was set out to do in the first place- writing. I will encourage comps, games, general friendliness, whatever anyone else wants, and i won't lead, i'll just keep everyone in an organised(ish) manner so they can lead themselves. I will also encourage the use of scratch, if anyone can think how to, in this collaboration-these are the scratch forums after all!
here it is, the christmas contest! Enter now!
And i think i will vote for pinni as she has been a member for longer... Sorry Mint, but there can only be one leader, and you would be a great one! ):
Btw, people can always post their stories on a project and we can create a gallery, it also makes them much easier for anyone to edit and an author can take down their story whenevr they wish It would make voting ect. easier too
pinnipediator wrote:
I don't know-i thought we all were.
I like the election idea, but personally, i think that whoever ends up manager, they should recognise humhum's authority to temporarily take over whenever the need suits her and that whisperfur is organising the christmas challenge whether she ends up manager or not.
Who wants to be a cantidate for manager?
Not me. I don't have a ton of time lately. I'll still contribute though!
EDIT: oh, and I vote for Mint.
Last edited by laser314 (2012-12-16 11:04:02)
Whisperfur-i'm a boy.
Where do the votes stand now?
I make it 2-2.
I'll enter the contest as soon as i can.
Oops! Sorry Pinni D: I'm really bad at guessing that kinda thing XD
Btw, should we move to a new thread soon, as this one is quite big now? Just a suggestion.
Whisperfur wrote:
Oops! Sorry Pinni D: I'm really bad at guessing that kinda thing XD
Btw, should we move to a new thread soon, as this one is quite big now? Just a suggestion.
Whoever gets elected should make the new thread.
K, twas just a suggestion