I need help, I'm afraid that IF i update my project (Re-upload it) thats Curated by Zbugni Here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/RoyalToHisLoyal/2932235 Thank you btw ) it might go off of front-page, i need help, have anyone of you did it, what happened , thanks in advance
when gf clicked repeat until <(get answer) > [1]> ask [anyone on the forums v] end think [I hope it works :O] for (infinity) secs
If it's uploaded with the same name, then no, it won't go off the front page.
veggieman001 wrote:
If it's uploaded with the same name, then no, it won't go off the front page.
Firedrake969 wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
If it's uploaded with the same name, then no, it won't go off the front page.
perfectly safe. ive done it before.
Wes64 wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
If it's uploaded with the same name, then no, it won't go off the front page.
perfectly safe. ive done it before.
xD thanks