How come mac doesn't have a "Repeat until" Block? Orr... at least mine doesn't have one.
Last edited by BlueClayman1 (2007-12-01 22:29:51)
BlueClayman1 wrote:
How come mac doesn't have a "Repeat until" Block? Orr... at least mine doesn't have one.
If your useing Macs the repear until block is there. I know this because i use macs.
Does anybody have a way to make a [blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks] starting script, that continues throughout the entire project, thats not only effective when [blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks] is clicked, that does what you want it too do once, then stops, and does it again when it is triggered, not counting [blocks]<forever>[/blocks], [blocks]<forever if>[/blocks] and [blocks]<forever>[/blocks] [blocks]<if>[/blocks]?
Try something like this
<when I receive[ Some Message ]>
<wait until>
Do some stuff....
<broadcast[ Some Message ]>
<when green flag clicked>
<broadcast[ Some Message ]>
The green flag sets up the first event trap and then, after that, the event handler sets itself up for the next occurance
You need to make sure that the folder you are trying to save to allows you to write to the folder. Go to it with the finder and hit apple-i (or choose Get Info from the file menu).
It should tell you who has permission to read and write to the folder.