I don't haz gamecube. >:L
weegeeissparta wrote:
I don't haz gamecube. >:L
You can play Gamexube games on the wii. You just need a GameCube controller.
My wii is broken.
Garr8 wrote:
Don't short videos at the end of movie credits such as Captain America count as an easter egg?
I wouldn't say so.
Anyone know of a PS2 game called Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon?
I found in easter egg in it. If you talk to Becky during the summer after you get your cat, she will tell you about a white rose. That night you get a dream. Becky is in it and tells you to get out of bed. She takes you to your farm and says it is snowing in the summer. There is spinechilling music playing and all the children are ghostly pale. After the dream ends, the game is normal, but no one knows the point of it or if it unlocks anything.
In My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, in the episode where Twilight sees her future self, he future self looks like Naked Snake.
In Jazz Jackrabbit 2, search in the castle areas for signs. One will say "Spaz ate the fish."
BirdByte wrote:
In Disney's The Lion King, you are watching Hamlet with characters from a 60s Japanese anime.
At my school last year, we met an author who wrote a story with a similar story as Hamlet, and he was going to use the Lion King scene in it, but the editor told him it was not a good idea.
Zelda's Lullaby - Many LoZ Games.
Ballad of the Goddess - LoZ Skyward Sword.
Ballad of the Goddess Backwards
Nuff said.
Skyfall has some Coca Cola Zero product placement in, if that counts.
Cozyhut3 wrote:
BirdByte wrote:
In Disney's The Lion King, you are watching Hamlet with characters from a 60s Japanese anime.
My friend told me never to believe it's like hamlet.
but it is...?
Thanks to whoever bumped this o.0
weegeeissparta wrote:
Discuss easter eggs. I wub dem so much.
Creepy easter eggs, happy easter eggs, stupid easter eggs.... I LOVE THEM!
When I say easter eggs, I mean hidden stuff.
WHAT ABOUT ZERG RUSH?!?!? ZERG RUSH IS EPIC!! just type in zerg rush and play
I know a lot from legend of zelda
In ocarina of time, in the castle courtyard there are 2 windows, if you shoot the one to the left, a guard yells at you to, "BE QUIET!" Or something like that, and proceeds to throw a bomb at you. I f you shoot the other window, you will get rupees, but if you look in the window, you can see some major and minor characters from the "Mario" franchise.
The girl on Lon Lon ranch (ocarina of time) has a bowser locket thingy.
(At least, I know a ton from ocarina of time )
You can steal the fisherman guy's hat with the fishing pole (OoT)
I will post more later.
At the end of every Gravity Falls episode there's a code at the end you have to solve to get a message.
In an episode of Jimmy Neutron you can see Spongebob's pineapple.