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#1276 2012-10-31 17:11:56

Registered: 2009-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

hungergamesfanatic wrote:

777w wrote:

its also not user-made scary stories so please get back on topic


I'll take my "Should I write a slenderman story" as a yes.
First sentance:

The saltwater scent clung to the air. Juliet wrapped her arms around herself. She was going to the mainland at a summer camp!

Oh no...

Another haunted summer camp story? Come on.
'Cause I'm NUMBER ONE.



#1277 2012-10-31 17:15:02

Registered: 2009-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Okay, well, I give up.

I started to write that story I promised for Halloween, but I'm just not good at horror! I don't think I ever will be, too, because I'm fresh clean out of ideas.
'Cause I'm NUMBER ONE.



#1278 2012-11-01 18:39:57

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

banana500 wrote:

Expect it on Halloween night, since I won't be trick or treating, for a couple of reasons: I'm too old for it, and I don't like candy.

How old are you?

I've assumed you were younger than me.

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#1279 2012-11-01 22:19:47

Registered: 2009-09-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

soupoftomato wrote:

banana500 wrote:

Expect it on Halloween night, since I won't be trick or treating, for a couple of reasons: I'm too old for it, and I don't like candy.

How old are you?

I've assumed you were younger than me.

'Cause I'm NUMBER ONE.



#1280 2012-11-01 23:19:43

Registered: 2012-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Gah, I am out of inspiration.

EDIT: I have scrapped my Slenderman story, and am writing a new one  big_smile

Amy by hungergamesfanatic
"On our graduation night she went to a club with a few of our friends and a most of them drank. She told me she shouldn't get in the car but she didn't have a ride. The driver swerved into the other lane and drove right into oncoming traffic. She was gone. I was the only one that didn't drink other then Amy. Now Amy's dead. Gone. Killed. Amy was my best friend but that doesn't matter anymore. She was very dear to me, but she is in a better place now." A friend of Amy says.

That was what was in the newspaper. Layla threw it in the garbage can. She was sorting through her old things from High School. She had forgotten all about Amy. Whatever. Amy was gone and she had gotten over it years ago. Nine years ago to be precise. She remembered how her and Amy met. Amy was being bullied by the more popular kids and didn't have the guts to stand up to them. Layla sure did though, and after that people said they were attached at the hip. They did everything together.
Andrew walked into his apartment at 2:45 AM. He had been out partying again. He got changed into his boxer shorts and climbed into bed. He was twenty-seven now, and had been out of college for five years, and still hadn't grow up. Huh, who cares? He thought. He wasn't about to change. He fell asleep, and slept about an hour, then his eyes snapped open. He couldn't move any part of his body except his eyes. He saw a pale figure looming over him. He saw a flash of bright white light and darkness then a deep red, but a glassy red. Like it was on a window of a car almost. He felt a pain in his skull, then his eyes glassed over.
Joseph was watching TV with his girlfriend. Sadly, she wanted to watch... TLC. He hated the channel with a passion, but hey, he wanted to keep her. So he watched it. Sure, maybe once or twice did he fall asleep, but he made sure she didn't notice.

***NOT DONE***

Last edited by hungergamesfanatic (2012-11-10 23:14:26)



#1281 2012-11-02 16:15:19

Registered: 2009-08-08
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

banana500 wrote:

NeilWest wrote:


That...wasn't very good. It's cliched. The plot of "Oh I had a pet who died and then I got a new one and the ghost of my old pet got jealous and blah blah blah" has been done to death.

I see what you did there.

Last edited by higejolly (2012-11-02 16:30:00) - IQ Test



#1282 2012-11-03 01:21:41

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

soupoftomato wrote:

Give me an idea

I can probably write SOMETHING based on it that's halfway decent

if your ideas are in fact "good"

No basing on an existing media (no EVIL TV show/book/movie/game character)
No basing on existing legends or creepypasta (Sleepy Hollow, slenderman, etc)

I can do that.

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#1283 2012-11-03 06:47:33

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I'm having another 50-word creepypasta contest! This time, it needs to be based on a demon animal. Example:

My cold, sweaty hand held the gun at my dog. The virus would spread – and he’d kill me. I wanted him to die with dignity, so I pulled the trigger, with tears on my cheek. His whimper died down, the same with my heart. Why did it end like this?



#1284 2012-11-03 10:54:56

Registered: 2012-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Entry 7:

He is haunting my dreams, screeching, whispering, calling my name. My hands are trembling.




They try to kill me. They will die. She didn't learn good. You are next.



This is the ending of my first creepypassta. Look for it on the wiki. Its called The Silence.

Last edited by hungergamesfanatic (2012-11-03 10:56:07)



#1285 2012-11-03 11:00:45

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

banana500 wrote:

soupoftomato wrote:

banana500 wrote:

Expect it on Halloween night, since I won't be trick or treating, for a couple of reasons: I'm too old for it, and I don't like candy.

How old are you?

I've assumed you were younger than me.


I'm thirteen and I trick-or-treated this year . . .
most of my friends did as well.

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#1286 2012-11-03 18:28:26

Registered: 2012-09-30
Posts: 30

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

Lizzy sat in the corner, crying.

It had been only minutes after the attack.

She was traumatized.

It was a bright summer's morning. She was going to head over to her friend Nicole's house. It was like any other day. They usually sat and played for a while, ate lunch, then Lizzy would head home. On the way to Nicole's house was a thick patch of woods. She usually avoided them, but occasionaly she'd go through them as a shortcut.

Today, however, she would make the mistake of her life going through them.

She hopped onto her trike and started off. Lizzy was about 5 years old, and Nicole didn't live very far, so her mother watched her ride off untill she reached the fork in the road where the woods and the siewalk met. There, she usually assumed that Nicole's mother would be watching from there. Today, however, she was not. Lizzy reached the fork and called out for her friend. "Nicole! I'm almost there!"

Nicole's voice rang back. "Ok! Can you come through the woods this time? I'm playing at the end of them."

"Sure!" Lizzy replied. She peddled faster and headed into the woods. All around, the sounds of nature chimed in her ears. Maybe these woods weren't so bad.

They weren't so bad.

They were worse.

Lizzy felt her trike stop. She looked down. There was a black vine tangled in one of the wheels. She hopped off and began to pull at it.

Faster than a rattlesnake, it shot up and siezed her arm. She screamed and wailed as several more vines coiled around her. She was raised upwards into the air. She tried to move, all of her muscles protesting. Tears dripped from her glassy eyes. She stared in horror at what the vines were connected to.

Standing among the misty trees was a man. However, this was no ordinary man. He stood a good ten feet tall, and he was dressed in a black tuxedo. Observing him more, she noticed that he completely lacked a face. Just a pale, blank head. She squealed.

Tell me what you think so far! It's almost done!

i think its good



#1287 2012-11-03 18:37:38

Registered: 2012-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

That is very old.



#1288 2012-11-03 19:11:35

Registered: 2009-12-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

i'm making a scary story for bwog :b
when i finish it i'll probably post it here

cause a bird and a fish could fall in love/but where would they live?



#1289 2012-11-08 17:51:23

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Some kids are in a forest, being derps, when they find a house. (SO ORIGINAL) They go in, and one of the kids sees a necklace they really like. They take it and put it on. Once they leave the house, the girl who got the necklace realized that she left her phone in the house so she goes back to get it. The other kids stay where they are while she goes. After 10 minutes, the girl doesn't come back. The kids go back to the house and find
the girl dead wearing the necklace, with a note next to her saying-
"This isn't yours"
Now someone write that.

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#1290 2012-11-10 19:41:44

Registered: 2011-06-25
Posts: 24

Re: User-made Scary Stories

i was peacefully playing slender when my computer shut off then there was a loud knock on the door i walked over slowly and opened with suprise to my friend saying "dude where have you been everyones been looking for you the police the firemen  everybody i slowly walked back wondering what was happening when i tripped and ended up in the woods withy some kind of logo on my chest it was a type of circle with an x inside it now i found this computer and i am aimlessly walking through the woods please help



#1291 2012-11-10 19:45:51

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

copyrightking wrote:

i was peacefully playing slender when my computer shut off then there was a loud knock on the door i walked over slowly and opened with suprise to my friend saying "dude where have you been everyones been looking for you the police the firemen  everybody i slowly walked back wondering what was happening when i tripped and ended up in the woods withy some kind of logo on my chest it was a type of circle with an x inside it now i found this computer and i am aimlessly walking through the woods please help


do you even know who slenderman is?

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#1292 2012-11-10 23:11:26

Registered: 2012-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

copyrightking wrote:

i was peacefully playing slender when my computer shut off then there was a loud knock on the door i walked over slowly and opened with suprise to my friend saying "dude where have you been everyones been looking for you the police the firemen  everybody i slowly walked back wondering what was happening when i tripped and ended up in the woods withy some kind of logo on my chest it was a type of circle with an x inside it now i found this computer and i am aimlessly walking through the woods please help

Is this trollpasta



#1293 2012-11-11 06:06:41

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

weegeeissparta wrote:

Some kids are in a forest, being derps, when they find a house. (SO ORIGINAL) They go in, and one of the kids sees a necklace they really like. They take it and put it on. Once they leave the house, the girl who got the necklace realized that she left her phone in the house so she goes back to get it. The other kids stay where they are while she goes. After 10 minutes, the girl doesn't come back. The kids go back to the house and find
the girl dead wearing the necklace, with a note next to her saying-
"This isn't yours"
Now someone write that.

Sure thing, I haven't written a pasta for a long time.


It was like any other Autumn day, I woke up, looking out on a cold, damp day - slightly drizzling with rain or belting it down. I was lucky to find it was slightly raining. The news said the same thing; Hurricane Sandy, Jimmy Saville, BBC scandal, Barack Obama. Not much good news in the headlines. I found that Shreddies had never been so tasteless and bland, I found that the toast was dry and that orange juice tastes terrible after brushing my teeth.

What an eventful start to another day, it seemed like ages on the bus to school. The same houses passing, the same cheerful kindergardeners skipping to school after eating a bowlful of brightly coloured corn syrup bi-products - I mean Lucky Charms. At last we stopped outside high school, where the entrance was always packed with senior years. I was ready for a change, and I found one - the hard way.

My friends were all huddling in a group together, and when I joined them, I saw that they had a map. It was crudely drawn but got the job done and had two main points; the school and a house, which seemed abandoned and derelict. They claimed that they were going to explore this abandoned school, because they wanted something else to do other than the Chemistry test. I agreed to come with them, because even I don't like whatever alkalis do.

We casually walked along the wet pavement of St. John's Street (most overused street name in history), discussing what they thought might be there. Some of the sensible suggestions included that there was nothing there, or a restoration team. Meanwhile, there were lots of outlandish ideas like Blair Witch Project 2 or a demonic ghost. Out of them, I'd prefer Blair Witch Project 2. And I'm certain I heard someone claim that it was Slenderman's lair.

We reached our destination as the rain grew worse and we hurried inside before our coats got uncomfortable in the dense weather. It was dark and eerie, certainly something for Blair Witch Project 2. I looked out of the window at the looming forest, and that certainly made me believe the Slenderman idea. But I'd prefer one creepy thing at once, and frolicking in the forest by myself isn't smart at all. One of the people in our group, a girl, found a jewellery box - adorned with Chinese sketches.

We crowded around her as she opened the box, she was the same age as me, maybe a bit younger, but the bravest of us all. There were pearls, fake jewels and broaches, but one thing caught her eye - a bronze and silver necklace, just her size. She got out her phone to take a picture, before sending it across Facebook, saying that she was the new proud owner of a cool necklace. I wonder how many LOLs she'd get for that.

She put her phone aside and clipped the necklace on, she looked beautiful with it on. She smiled and led us out, because we searched the place from top to bottom in hope for something interesting, or at least creepy. I guess we should've stuck to watching Paranormal Activity for something disturbingly scary and paranormal. We walked out, through the dark hallway, so we could go back and get something from the fish and chip shop.

As we left, the girl realised she left her phone, and manfully went back inside to retrieve it. However, she persisted that she would go alone, in case something was there. So, she went inside, and we all just talked and talked about video games. When we had discussed nearly all the fan fictions for Master Chief, we noticed that the girl had been gone for over ten minutes, and the bedroom took only a minute to get to, and that something was wrong.

We entered the house once more, this time, more scared than the last time. We timidly explored each room, and checking every washroom. She was nowhere. Until we plucked up the courage to go into the attic. We opened the trapdoor and peered through and navigated the empty wooden space. At last we found her, with a cut across her throat and holding a note - but still wearing the necklace.

This isn't yours.



#1294 2012-11-11 19:19:50

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

NeilWest wrote:

weegeeissparta wrote:

Some kids are in a forest, being derps, when they find a house. (SO ORIGINAL) They go in, and one of the kids sees a necklace they really like. They take it and put it on. Once they leave the house, the girl who got the necklace realized that she left her phone in the house so she goes back to get it. The other kids stay where they are while she goes. After 10 minutes, the girl doesn't come back. The kids go back to the house and find
the girl dead wearing the necklace, with a note next to her saying-
"This isn't yours"
Now someone write that.

Sure thing, I haven't written a pasta for a long time.


It was like any other Autumn day, I woke up, looking out on a cold, damp day - slightly drizzling with rain or belting it down. I was lucky to find it was slightly raining. The news said the same thing; Hurricane Sandy, Jimmy Saville, BBC scandal, Barack Obama. Not much good news in the headlines. I found that Shreddies had never been so tasteless and bland, I found that the toast was dry and that orange juice tastes terrible after brushing my teeth.

What an eventful start to another day, it seemed like ages on the bus to school. The same houses passing, the same cheerful kindergardeners skipping to school after eating a bowlful of brightly coloured corn syrup bi-products - I mean Lucky Charms. At last we stopped outside high school, where the entrance was always packed with senior years. I was ready for a change, and I found one - the hard way.

My friends were all huddling in a group together, and when I joined them, I saw that they had a map. It was crudely drawn but got the job done and had two main points; the school and a house, which seemed abandoned and derelict. They claimed that they were going to explore this abandoned school, because they wanted something else to do other than the Chemistry test. I agreed to come with them, because even I don't like whatever alkalis do.

We casually walked along the wet pavement of St. John's Street (most overused street name in history), discussing what they thought might be there. Some of the sensible suggestions included that there was nothing there, or a restoration team. Meanwhile, there were lots of outlandish ideas like Blair Witch Project 2 or a demonic ghost. Out of them, I'd prefer Blair Witch Project 2. And I'm certain I heard someone claim that it was Slenderman's lair.

We reached our destination as the rain grew worse and we hurried inside before our coats got uncomfortable in the dense weather. It was dark and eerie, certainly something for Blair Witch Project 2. I looked out of the window at the looming forest, and that certainly made me believe the Slenderman idea. But I'd prefer one creepy thing at once, and frolicking in the forest by myself isn't smart at all. One of the people in our group, a girl, found a jewellery box - adorned with Chinese sketches.

We crowded around her as she opened the box, she was the same age as me, maybe a bit younger, but the bravest of us all. There were pearls, fake jewels and broaches, but one thing caught her eye - a bronze and silver necklace, just her size. She got out her phone to take a picture, before sending it across Facebook, saying that she was the new proud owner of a cool necklace. I wonder how many LOLs she'd get for that.

She put her phone aside and clipped the necklace on, she looked beautiful with it on. She smiled and led us out, because we searched the place from top to bottom in hope for something interesting, or at least creepy. I guess we should've stuck to watching Paranormal Activity for something disturbingly scary and paranormal. We walked out, through the dark hallway, so we could go back and get something from the fish and chip shop.

As we left, the girl realised she left her phone, and manfully went back inside to retrieve it. However, she persisted that she would go alone, in case something was there. So, she went inside, and we all just talked and talked about video games. When we had discussed nearly all the fan fictions for Master Chief, we noticed that the girl had been gone for over ten minutes, and the bedroom took only a minute to get to, and that something was wrong.

We entered the house once more, this time, more scared than the last time. We timidly explored each room, and checking every washroom. She was nowhere. Until we plucked up the courage to go into the attic. We opened the trapdoor and peered through and navigated the empty wooden space. At last we found her, with a cut across her throat and holding a note - but still wearing the necklace.

This isn't yours.

Thanks. 10/10

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#1295 2012-11-12 12:15:48

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

weegeeissparta wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

weegeeissparta wrote:

Some kids are in a forest, being derps, when they find a house. (SO ORIGINAL) They go in, and one of the kids sees a necklace they really like. They take it and put it on. Once they leave the house, the girl who got the necklace realized that she left her phone in the house so she goes back to get it. The other kids stay where they are while she goes. After 10 minutes, the girl doesn't come back. The kids go back to the house and find
the girl dead wearing the necklace, with a note next to her saying-
"This isn't yours"
Now someone write that.

Sure thing, I haven't written a pasta for a long time.


Thanks. 10/10




#1296 2012-11-24 08:26:35

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories




#1297 2012-11-25 18:48:21

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 15

Re: User-made Scary Stories

i was in my house i decided to go to my father old attic.he knowed something was in there haunted in his attic.i went inside and i saw this picture of these guy who was with him.he had a hat with an r and a f and a t and the number 1,990.just then there was a voice that sounded like luigis voice mixed up with mario and it was him and his name was rashafertaber 1,990.i ranned like i was running from a poison snake.i got out and my brother said loleegy we need to talk about this and i said you mean rashafert... before i finished my brother put his hand in my mouth and said yes yes.and then took his hand out of my mouth. and said you shoudn't say that because our father will let the secret out just call him rafeber please. and i said okey dokkie lokkie like pinkie would my brother telled me about him.



#1298 2012-11-25 18:59:02

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-11-25
Posts: 2

Re: User-made Scary Stories

loleegy i told you not to



#1299 2012-11-25 20:04:43

Registered: 2012-08-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Once there was a kid named Alfred and there was a house down the street with a bunch of lawn gnomes. One day, Alfred decided to go into the house. He knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. The door opened.
"Hello?" asked Alfred.
"I'm upstairs said a mysterious voice.
Alfred walked up the creaky stairs.
"Hello?" he asked again.
I'm downstairs now. said the voice.
Alfred walked down the stairs.
"Where are you now?" Alfred asked.
I'm in the basement
Alfred walked down the basement stairs. Then he heard a crash.
A mysterious blue light appeared. It lured Alfred into the corner of the room. In the corner, stood a crippled thing. It had red eyes. Alfred learned it was a GNOME, but it was too late.......

I came up with that when I was in 3rd grade so it can't be that good.

Goodbye 1.4.



#1300 2012-11-26 13:19:48

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I'm gonna write a story about a man who buys a haunted house (unoblivious to the fact) and starts hearing voices, calling him upstairs and downstairs, to different rooms and then finally, drink bleach. He chokes himself to death but in his final breath, he sees a cannibal saying, "I wish that you'd have had the common sense not to drink it, now you're body's tainted."



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