Hi, bored? Want a virtual pet? These are the best games!
Howrse: Horse game, virtual the easiest game ever. If you dont click on the horse, it doesn't age and doesn't need care. Cool, huh? If you sign up, use international version and put Dodgery as a referral please.
Furry Paws: Dog game, real genetics, tons of breed, cool community. Never get bored with FP! A dog that is "locked" (You can lock or unlock a dog once a day, per a dog I mean) does not care. Use this link to sign up: http://www.furry-paws.com/main/index/1079924
Fezkitt: Very new ferret breeding game, nice interface, 2 days old, real genetics. Very easy and fun to play. I beg of you to refer: 275
Other Fun Games:
Creature Breeder! Cute breeding game
Dragon Cave, self explanatory. Click game.