DX *cries* Still haven't found meh ferret.She's lost
...Kirby? D //Thicketfur half-smiled at his grandson. he walked over to Earthsong; would she aproove? he was sparing the forest by making sure not all of Shadowstar's kits would be raised evil.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Leafpool101 wrote:
I know! >.< Sum people said on the forums on the site that they would kill themselves!!! DX And plus, did u notice how much she BLINKS?!
My mom doesn't want me to watch it.Lucky me! ^^ I'm less tempted now!
word of advice: LISTEN 2 URE MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MOVIE SUCKED SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe u. XD
littletonkslover wrote:
DX *cries* Still haven't found meh ferret.She's lost
DX My friends hamster ran away, then AS soon as she got home from getting a new one, she found it! So just wait a little while, Im sure they'll turn up!
Leafpool101 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I think Hayden Penitierre (however you spell it) should play Max
XD I just want any1 GOOD >.<
alittle old, but yeah. remember, max is 14
Leafpool101 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
DX *cries* Still haven't found meh ferret.She's lost
DX My friends hamster ran away, then AS soon as she got home from getting a new one, she found it! So just wait a little while, Im sure they'll turn up!
Once she waz lost for four days,but last time she ate the food we put out!Not this time! DDDDDDDDX
Earthsong raised an eyebrow,"Do you realize that you probably just brought your own death by stealing Shadowstar's kit? Well, now your even, he stole Tallclaw from us." SHe mewed sadly. (She still calls him Tallclaw lol)
Pokemaster12 wrote:
I stand proud a Twilight fan. I love the book. The movie I hate. But New moon will be better, because Edward's gone for most of the time 8D
as long as it has Kristen Stewart in it, it wont be good. better, cuz patinson iz gone. bt it will succk
Shredkit was trying to twist out of Dustclaw's hold./////Earthsong licked the top of Cobrakit's head. Hazekit mewed,"Hi there!"
Um,can we RP?lol
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Shredkit was trying to twist out of Dustclaw's hold./////Earthsong licked the top of Cobrakit's head. Hazekit mewed,"Hi there!"
huh? Earthsong didnt lick any1! >.<
Shadowstar grabbed hold of the apprentice and threw him into the creek./////"Foxtrot, my friend." Crystlwing said
kirbyman1 wrote:
What Nikki? (sorry, don't know how to reply on posts!)
Press quote on a comment.
Dustclaw rolled his eyes and slamed Shredkit agenst a rock, knocking him unconscious
littletonkslover wrote:
kirbyman1 wrote:
What Nikki? (sorry, don't know how to reply on posts!)
Press quote on a comment.
Thanks Tonks!
Stealthpaw plunged into the icy-cold water and gasped for breath."Can we end this?"
Shadowstar nodded. "As you wish."
* that was a BAD typo! Ack I'm tired! I meant Echostrike!!!! They both have names that start with e! NOW I BRB!!!! SORRY!!!!!!
Stealthpaw waited for more orders.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
...Kirby? D
//Thicketfur half-smiled at his grandson. he walked over to Earthsong; would she aproove? he was sparing the forest by making sure not all of Shadowstar's kits would be raised evil.
What is it, did you post something? i yes, i probably couldn't find it! sorry!
hola pplsh im bored :3
BigGreenHelp wrote:
hola pplsh im bored :3
Yay! U here! XD lol MAI BANGS ISH PINK!!!!!!!
Cobrakit curled up into a ball. "I want my momma and papa."///Thicketfur stood firm. "I know I did the right thing. this kit is in better paws here."///Hollybreeze launched herself onto Soulblaze. "What are you doing in MidnightClan? are you working for that flea-bag Shadowstar?"