hello guys im a bit confused about scratch games.Are they allowed to have stuff that you dont own like mario (c) or pokemon (c) becuase images from google images are allowed for personel use but not your own website.But scratch isnt mine so rly my main question is is it 1000000% SAFE to upload stuff not your own like mario(c)
when gf clicked say [dude i can do good games now] for (78) secs
mission complete made a game with pokemon (c) remember i dont own pokemon now may i know if i can use music i would like to do that do but im sure music is a bit more stricter? so lol may i know
_______________________________________________________________________________sst3ph3n born for scrathing
when gf clicked forever if touching colour and not colour reapet until touching colour change y by 100- wait 0.03 secsenjoy my jump script XD
From how I understand it, it's a combination of the fact that projects here are non-profit and released as open-source under the creative commons license coupled with the amount of work it would take for companies to find and persecute the little man using their stuff all over the internet being too great.
I'll see whether the Scratch Team have anything good to add, I seem to remember there being a big fuss about Nintendo characters in projects a while back!
Let me state up front that I am not an expert on intellectual property rights - and the Scratch Team can not tell you if you can use other people's intellectual property (such as Mario, etc). As a rule, we don't recommend including material in your projects that has usage restrictions. However, if you choose to use it anyway, you may have a right to do so based on the "fair use" doctrine. But it's not a certainty and if we receive a take down notice on it from the copyright holder - we might have to take your project off the website.
soniku3 wrote:
Yes. Since ASPA COPA PIPA etc. did not pass. It's okay.
That's useless info. It's sort of like saying, if the teacher isn't looking, it's okay to talk in class... you can, but should you?
sparks wrote:
bobbybee wrote:
That's useless info. It's sort of like saying, if the teacher isn't looking, it's okay to talk in class... you can, but should you?
Well good thing Paddle gave a better answer above then, huh?
I guess. IMO, it's just better to make the content/use public domain. Besides, it makes your game look more original.
this thread is helping but by fair use do i need to littreally use it a fair amount or does it require to have a fair amount of copyright i uploaded one with ONLY coprighted sprites and its the only (c)opyright project i has
when gf clicked if touching [button] say [hmmm i dont know about copyright no more :(]
this forum is worrying me so instead may i ask you guys if you can see and tell me what my approach was for a copyright project it may change something
extra links just in case :
ST3PH3N wrote:
this thread is helping but by fair use do i need to littreally use it a fair amount or does it require to have a fair amount of copyright i uploaded one with ONLY coprighted sprites and its the only (c)opyright project i has
when gf clicked if touching [button] say [hmmm i dont know about copyright no more :(]
"Fair Use" means that you're not using it in a way that causes financial/economic issues on the copyright owner. I'll give an example:
Let's say you want to make a slide show of your vacation photos and add music in the background; let's also say that the music you want to use is from the Star Wars movie. If you just made that slide to show to family members and friends, then it would fall under "Fair Use" because it's just for fun. If you made the slide show and sold it to people, then it does not fall under "Fair Use" because you're making money and the music composer is not getting paid.
A good rule of thumb for "Fair Use" is that it works in your favor if you're not making any money off of the work. Since we don't make money from selling Scratch projects, you can probably declare "Fair Use" here. I took a look at your project link and read the notes - it looks fine to me.
Sometimes companies do contact us about certain projects, but we sometimes respond back telling them what Scratch is all about - and sometimes they drop the issue or go with a compromise where a link to the original game is found in the project notes. The worst thing that could happen in your case is if Nintendo contacts the Scratch Team to have the project removed from the website (like when Namco-Bandai was throwing a hissy fit over a kid's fan project of Pac-Man), but that's about it. It's very, very unlikely, but if it does we won't hold grudges against you if that happens (we do want you to enjoy and learn from Scratch, and one of the best ways to learn is by trying to learn how a game works, or by building upon the ideas you already know to create new ones).
soniku3 wrote:
Please be constructive when commenting.
wow thanks i obviously know and dont want to make a profit out of my projects after al i only want to uplaod for my fun and the other peoples
and the great thing is the pkmn sprites i downlaoded had a readme file so
i didnt need to do anywork besides copy and pasting 2 sentences
when [button] clicked say [your project has been uploaded] for (5) secs predict future y / n /y
thanks at least I can learn from this post