i want to make a play button. how?
well, you need a sprite that looks like a button.
when gf clicked forever if <touching [mouse pointer v]?> switch to costume [darker button v]// the button will become darker wait until <not<touching [mouse pointer v] ?>> switch to costume [first costume v] end if <<touching [mouse pointer v]?> and <mouse down?>> broadcast [start game v] hide endi hope this helps
Last edited by gfchll (2012-11-17 20:58:51)
Scratch doesn't have a button option, but it's really easy to make any of your sprites buttons! Basically, just use the block
When [sprite] clickedand then put whatever you want to happen when the user clicks a button below that block.
Last edited by stevetheipad (2012-11-17 21:22:30)