The best educational game ever. It's about this reading rabbit (duh) who helped out his friends in a series of point n' click games. I have the Reading, Maths and Spelling games. In the Reading game, you have to set up a birthday party with a cake, toys, decor and presents. In Maths, you play in the best carnival ever (true) and in the Spelling game, you go on an adventure and help animals spell. There are others too, here.
My point is, do any other you have a Reader Rabbit game? Anyone..?
I remember playing it at preschool.
I think I have two of these games, if I didn't throw them out or give them to Good Will or something. I also have a VHS of it somewhere.
I used to have a TON of Reader Rabbit games. I LOVED Reader Rabbit when I was a kid. I think I had the reading one, I KNOW I had the math one, and there was this other one I had that I can't remember off the top of my head...