I am trying to create a scoring system but can't seem to get it right. Here is how I have my score written out:
When I receive <test>
If <touching image 2>
switch costume <image 3>
say <Ouch!> fr <1> sec
wait <1> secs
switch costume <image 1>
change <score> by <25>
change <score> by <-10>
The is not calculating correctly when I don't hit the target. When I miss the target the first time my score shows as -40 (it should be -10) and so on. Has anyone run into this issue? If so do you have any recommendations on how to fix this?
spear8407 wrote:
I am trying to create a scoring system but can't seem to get it right. Here is how I have my score written out:
When I receive [test v] If <touching [image 2 v]?> switch to costume [image 3 v] say [Ouch!] for (1) secs wait (1) secs switch to costume [image 1 v] change [score v] by (25) hide else change [score> v]by (-10) hideThe is not calculating correctly when I don't hit the target. When I miss the target the first time my score shows as -40 (it should be -10) and so on. Has anyone run into this issue? If so do you have any recommendations on how to fix this?
I think part of the problem might be with the other scripts you have. Could I see them?
I'd suggest adding a block or code to act as an 'end' so it only goes through the script once. That way, if it is the problem, it'll deduct the 10 points, and then wait til the next try, or round, or whatever it is in your game. Otherwise there's a possibilty it'll keep checking if it's touching, or not touching the target, and will keep deduction from or adding to the score continously.
Llamalover wrote:
I'd suggest adding a block or code to act as an 'end' so it only goes through the script once. That way, if it is the problem, it'll deduct the 10 points, and then wait til the next try, or round, or whatever it is in your game. Otherwise there's a possibilty it'll keep checking if it's touching, or not touching the target, and will keep deduction from or adding to the score continously.
Yes, like at the end of the "else" part,
wait until <touching [image 2 v]?>
Last edited by powerpoint56 (2012-11-12 16:43:58)
spear8407 wrote:
Thank you all for you help!
Did you get it working?