I've been wondering this for some time. How do you get a large number of people to know and remember you. I've seen several people who make, (and I don't mean to insult them), low rate, amateurish projects. And yet each of their project get's like 400 views and 50 love-its for NO reason. How is this? And how do I make my name known.
If you remember seeing me, even if only once, please say so. Just as a test.
bullelk12 wrote:
I've been wondering this for some time. How do you get a large number of people to know and remember you. I've seen several people who make, (and I don't mean to insult them), low rate, amateurish projects. And yet each of their project get's like 400 views and 50 love-its for NO reason. How is this? And how do I make my name known.
If you remember seeing me, even if only once, please say so. Just as a test.
They are both popular on forums and projects. It hard and luck based to get popular.
Most of them start out famous. Like with a really good project, or somebody advertising them. But, the other way is the way I went. I started out unknown, but gradually grew over time. You just have to get known in the community.
It really depends. Some people could become famous through a huge, wonderful project while I [somewhat] became famous for a short while thanks to being curated.
And yes, I think that I remember seeing you, though I don't know if I've seen you outside of the Scrtach forums.
I've been wondering this myself. I've been trying to help people on the forums for a long time now, and it seems people still don't notice me.
If you make a lot of good projects and are helpful in general, then if you are lucky, you will get well-known.
I would guess: Good games and/or animations, Helpful comments on projects, and being on the forums a lot. There is also a bit of luck involved with becoming famous. It also helps if you know some famous people in scratch. I would say make every project 100% and eventually you will get known.
It's the little things that add up, that's what I've learned from my experience so far.
Everything from having a memorable name (not "bobman115252"), to being nice when commenting on other people's projects seem to be factors in getting out there.
Also, Scratch loves uniqueness, so having your own cool style helps. Many times it's about your style of graphics.
put nyan cat into every one of your projects, beg for love its non-stop, and advertise at every opportunity you get
it also helps if your project took less than an hour to make, has terrible graphics, and is less than three seconds long
also i remember seeing you
RedRocker227 wrote:
put nyan cat into every one of your projects, beg for love its non-stop, and advertise at every opportunity you get
it also helps if your project took less than an hour to make, has terrible graphics, and is less than three seconds long
also i remember seeing you
This. Must. Be. Stikied.
stevetheipad wrote:
It's the little things that add up, that's what I've learned from my experience so far.
Everything from having a memorable name (not "bobman115252"), to being nice when commenting on other people's projects seem to be factors in getting out there.
Also, Scratch loves uniqueness, so having your own cool style helps. Many times it's about your style of graphics.
RHY was the only exception to the naming thing. I still, to this day can't remember the numbers. He once said that it had something to do with his birthday.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Make coloring contests.
dats not de only way!!!11!1
u also mek dose awsum amvs dat r supr long liek 4 second!!one!1!
(That's not the only way; you also make those [not] awesome AMVs that are [not] super long like 4 seconds)
joletole wrote:
stevetheipad wrote:
It's the little things that add up, that's what I've learned from my experience so far.
Everything from having a memorable name (not "bobman115252"), to being nice when commenting on other people's projects seem to be factors in getting out there.
Also, Scratch loves uniqueness, so having your own cool style helps. Many times it's about your style of graphics.RHY was the only exception to the naming thing. I still, to this day can't remember the numbers. He once said that it had something to do with his birthday.
And Ember. I don't get how they log in!
joletole wrote:
stevetheipad wrote:
It's the little things that add up, that's what I've learned from my experience so far.
Everything from having a memorable name (not "bobman115252"), to being nice when commenting on other people's projects seem to be factors in getting out there.
Also, Scratch loves uniqueness, so having your own cool style helps. Many times it's about your style of graphics.RHY was the only exception to the naming thing. I still, to this day can't remember the numbers. He once said that it had something to do with his birthday.
Well, rhy doesn't have to have a memorable name but he has a memorable nickname, "rhy".
I don't have much more to contribute.
Posting medium-to-high quality projects frequently is the surest way (particularly if you can get a few curated). Ultimately though, much of it is luck-based. I've been front-paged a few times (nearly always via curation), and, for a while, all of my projects were getting a substantial number of views and love-its. Then my production slowed (project quality may have gone up a bit though) and none of my recent projects are nearly as popular.
Fame is a function of luck, time put into projects, number of projects made, time spent on the website, and luck. It also doesn't hurt to have a healthy dose of luck.
On a more serious note, since so much of "fame" is out of your control, try not to worry about it. Find meaning in actually making the projects (this is what will matter most, in the long run) and the few comments you get. The less you care about the elusive "fame" aspect of Scratch, the more you'll enjoy it.
I've been wondering about that too. I once remember there was this extremely dumb project (I forgot who made it) where there was a banana and the song "I' S*** and I know it" was playing and it was top loved for about a month. I guess you just need to keep on trying. If you can draw well and have a sense of humor, you usually are famous. If you make extremely complicated games, you can also be famous.
RedRocker227 wrote:
put nyan cat into every one of your projects, beg for love its non-stop, and advertise at every opportunity you get
it also helps if your project took less than an hour to make, has terrible graphics, and is less than three seconds long
also i remember seeing you
Thats wat i tried and i had 5 views in 10 seconds. Nyan Cat Hostessness
Yes I remember seeing you. You were making Settlers of Catan right after I gave up on that.
Well, first of all, fame isn't everything on scratch. The main purpose of it is to learn to program.
Secondly, fame isn't quite universal in this community. What i mean by that is that you might be well known in one group (ex. the AT or in the animations community) but not so much in another. For example, I'm pretty well known around the forums (i think), especially in the AT. However, on the main site, not many people view my projects, which I'm not too worried about XD
So my advice to you would be to just find what you like to do, and stick to it. Someday, you might be pretty well known in your certain group (forums, certain forum (ex AT or M&C, animations, etc)
SJRCS_011 wrote:
Well, first of all, fame isn't everything on scratch. The main purpose of it is to learn to program.
Secondly, fame isn't quite universal in this community. What i mean by that is that you might be well known in one group (ex. the AT or in the animations community) but not so much in another. For example, I'm pretty well known around the forums (i think), especially in the AT. However, on the main site, not many people view my projects, which I'm not too worried about XD
So my advice to you would be to just find what you like to do, and stick to it. Someday, you might be pretty well known in your certain group (forums, certain forum (ex AT or M&C, animations, etc)
+1 and I'm well known on the forums but not that known on the main site..
One does not just get well known. You have to work for it.
And well known or not, it doesn't matter. Fame doesn't matter.
It shouldn't to you. Scratch is supposed to give you an opportunity to get into programming, not just getting on the front page.
I can't say how to get well known, because there is no specific process. Usually it's just luck.