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#1 2012-11-07 08:16:04

Registered: 2010-07-27
Posts: 1000+

Zelda Wii U ideas

I've been reading and watching some Zelda Wii U idea videos and I wonder if you guys have any ideas. I'll post mine soon.

It's my birthday. Deal with it.



#2 2012-11-07 17:08:37

Registered: 2008-05-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Zelda Wii U ideas

You should be able to use the gamepad's touch screen to equip items, reducing the time spent pausing the game to equip something.
QUOTE OF THE RIGHT NOW: why are we arguing about dead babies? -videogame9



#3 2012-11-07 18:00:47

Registered: 2010-07-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Zelda Wii U ideas

I'll post my ideas in the next few posts. For now, I'll start with controls. The game will be controlled with the game pad, with an option for wii motion+ control.

L Stick- move link around
D-pad- set 4 items at a time to it
R- Stick- Camera, when z targeting: what ever direction the stick is pointing, link will swing his sword in that direction
X button- Attack
A button- Action (talking, picking up objects, etc.)
B button- Use item selected using d-pad
y button- Use your guide (I'll get to that later)
ZL button- Z target
ZR button- Shield
L button- Switch menus to the left on game pad screen (get to it later)
R button- Same as L, but moves it to the right

For wiimote +, same controls as twilight princess with skyward sword sword controls

It's my birthday. Deal with it.



#4 2012-11-07 21:36:10

Registered: 2008-05-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Zelda Wii U ideas

The only Zelda game I've really played is Ocarina of Time, so there'll probably be some screwups in my next few posts. Sorry.
Anyway, I've got some questions about these arrangements.

maxdoss wrote:

R- Stick- Camera, when z targeting: what ever direction the stick is pointing, link will swing his sword in that direction

Why not just keep the attacking to the attack button? Using the control stick seems like it would feel kind of weird, especially since (based on your explanation) it only seems to be in effect while using Z-Targeting.

maxdoss wrote:

B button- Use item selected using d-pad

Couldn't you just press the D-pad itself to use the item?
QUOTE OF THE RIGHT NOW: why are we arguing about dead babies? -videogame9



#5 2012-11-08 22:28:32

Registered: 2010-07-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Zelda Wii U ideas


It's my birthday. Deal with it.



#6 2012-11-10 17:32:27

Registered: 2008-05-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Zelda Wii U ideas

maxdoss wrote:


so when are you going to post more of your ideas
QUOTE OF THE RIGHT NOW: why are we arguing about dead babies? -videogame9



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