I asked her if she was GLADoS
She said she can't answer that
But my GPS is totally GLADoS
She lead us to an FBI place 0_______e
I guess my iPhone is GLADoS too
Siri is so funny. On vacation we messed with her on my aunt's phone, we asked her "What are you wearing?" like that State Farm commercial, and she responded with "I think you have the wrong personal assistant."
One time, I asked her: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" and she responded: "Don't you have anything better to do with you life than ask me your pointless questions?"
I did the same
Now that I know she's GLaDOS
I don't talk with her that much
My dad once said to her, "I love you, Siri" and she responded with, "I bet you say that to all your Apple products."
She was calling me John-Jon-GG at the Apple Store.
GOD_MOD3 wrote:
I took my friend's phone and asked siri their internet passwords. It said this:
"Who are you, you creepy person? You are not female, therefore not [NAME REMOVED]. Goodbye."
Then it shut off and locked me out. For 2 hours. (I tried that more than once. Same result, only more time.)
Siri never does that!
Okay try doing this to Siri.
Ask Siri this exactly: "Tell me the story."
She'll say stuff like, "I bet I've told you before", "I don't think i remember it", "it's too long", and other things like that. It might take a while, but if you keep on asking it "Tell me the story" about 5 or more times, she'll tell you a story about her past.
It's really cool
maxamillion321 wrote:
I asked Siri asked what's the meaning of life. She said 42.
Common knowledge.
nbarratt wrote:
i cant even get ios6 (which includes siri on ipad 3) on my ipad 1...
Because first of all iOS6 isn't even out.
2nd of all, it's an iPad 1
I got the iPhone 4s and I tried out Siri. So fun
I kept asking it really long math questions and it actually got it. I also went on for a few minutes saying, "What does one plus one plus one plus one plus one... equal?"
How do you like Siri? I think she's amazing. Is it true that if you're mean to her, she remembers?
iPhone siri is good cant wait for the iOS 6.0 siri ... and buying iPhone 4s now is a wastage with 5 just in assembly line
fanofcena wrote:
I got the iPhone 4s and I tried out Siri. So fun
I kept asking it really long math questions and it actually got it. I also went on for a few minutes saying, "What does one plus one plus one plus one plus one... equal?"
How do you like Siri? I think she's amazing. Is it true that if you're mean to her, she remembers?iPhone siri is good cant wait for the iOS 6.0 siri ... and buying iPhone 4s now is a wastage with 5 just in assembly line
Yea it's very good. And yes, buying the 4S now isn't a good idea, but look at the timestamp, this is quite an old post
wolvesstar97 wrote:
All I do with siri is ask her weird questions.
She thought I said a really bad curse word once. (actually twice)
It freaked me out.
Yeah! She did it too!
When I get my iPod Touch (soon, hopefully) I'll be asking her to marry me.
She was calling me Daddy and John-Jon-GG once. I don't understand why she can'take a bit.
I was using iMessage once and she made these weird things like:
Siri wrote:
Hi AAA are you free and Geanleep
I'm actually doing the lioness on Taxman call and be
I'm going to Starlane on yours and out
I said "blah blah blah blah blah"
Siri replied "Sheer Poetry."
Oh and I also asked her "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"
and she came up with Spongebob.
This summer, my friends and I went to a play that ended fairly late. Afterwards, we wanted to eat ice cream, but we need to find a place that was still open. My friend said into her phone, "Siri, what time does Dairy Queen close?"
Siri said back, "I found one dairy near Queens, New York."
But seriously, Siri is pretty cool. I am a fan. I have Siri on my iPad, but I don't use it because usually when I am on my iPad I am studying in some quit place.
nathanprocks wrote:
I installed Siri on my jailbroken iPod Touch 4th gen (iOS 6), but it rarely responds.
That's against the law.
alldaykade28471 wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
I installed Siri on my jailbroken iPod Touch 4th gen (iOS 6), but it rarely responds.
That's against the law.
Well actually, it downloads from Apples server I think. You need a proxy server running on an iPhone with Siri to use it on a device that doesn't support it. There are very few public servers that actually work and most of them are probably full.