I vote Space Run by northeastsouthwest.
Please feature this project, it is a mazing!
Last edited by uglysquidward (2012-11-10 16:48:59)
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Fire5000/2914703 I think this "Create your own Music Box" project, with many songs to choose and a variety of decorations, should be featured. It has only 6 views.
thinkThanks AaEeZa6W. And I agreefor3secs
I think at least one of these deserves to be featured:
They fit the rules as far as I can tell.
andresmh wrote:
I want to feature new projects that have not gotten enough attention. I am looking for your help. At this point we only want proposals from people whose account was created more than 2 weeks ago.
Please note that proposing a project does not mean we will feature it, we are only looking for suggestions.
These are the kind of things we're looking for:
1. simple projects
2. complex projects
3. projects that show an innovative use of Scratch
4. project that promote collaboration and remixing
5. projects that show the diversity in our community (gender, age, culture, country, interests, etc)
6. project that different kinds of people would find enjoyable
7. projects that inspire
A project CANNOT be submitted if it...
1. was created by you. This means that you CANNOT submit your project. Clear?
2. was created by someone whose project(s) have been on the front page already in the last six months (excluding Newest projects or Design Studio)
3. was shared less than 1 week ago
4. uses media (music, images, etc) from a commercial entity such as Nintendo, Sega, Disney, TV shows, movies, etc.
5. has received more than 10 love its already.
6. has violence including weapons, hurting animals or people
7. contains language inappropriate for all ages
8. is a copy of a commercial game or story, it's OK if it is inspired by though
9. has been on the front page already (excluding Newest projects or Design Studio)
10. doesn't work well online
Uhh...This are a nice simple project ...Not sure...but I love it. scratch.mit.edu/projects/06kbiltcliffe/2809476
fishingpro98's prehistoric fishing. i love it. and i noticed that you like it too.
i think this should be featured for definite!
Can you feature this project? I think it shows innovative use of scratch. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/mrbombastics/2933588
This should be here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/ninjarebel/2707064!
This deserves it: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Tornado27/2833393
I would like to submit GeneKretin's Factory madness still testing. It is a skilled project with good scripts. The project is at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/GeneKretin/2954412. Thank you!
notcleanbob wrote:
I would like to submit GeneKretin's Factory madness still testing. It is a skilled project with good scripts. The project is at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/GeneKretin/2954412. Thank you!
I second that.
Bluestribute wrote:
I saw one, but it was made 2 months ago and it isn't super clear, but it's Build A City 5_ Modern Times. It's kind of fun though, with loans and time and a map and all that stuff. And it has inspired me to make a game- Civilization Builder. It would be very similar but more clear and a bigger layout
I agree. Although there are a few glitches, it is an excellent game and it deserves to be nominated.
This project is very cool
I do realize this has only been uploaded today, but it is simply amazing, but, unfortuanately, I do not think it will be noticed.
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Bowser_Jr/2467549 It is one of the best games on scratch, and shows his creativity.
BurritoSM wrote:
I do realize this has only been uploaded today, but it is simply amazing, but, unfortuanately, I do not think it will be noticed.
Cool project! Sadly, it appears to be un-credited copy of this project http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Dolfus555/188810
Thanks for the suggestion though, and keep them coming