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#5401 2012-11-04 05:19:33

Registered: 2012-03-31
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

KrIsMa wrote:

Please, thanks for all your speeches, but please do not post a speech
1. Less than 50 or less words,
2. Just saying, "I want to be a curator"
3. Less that 4 sentences,
4. Sounding that you have to become a curator, like, "Make me curator",
5. Irrelevant comments,
6. Saying that you want to "only" post a certain project type,
7. Not giving a reason why you want to become a curator.

Thanks for the advice! Just a few word like; CAN I BE A CURATOR don't gave lots of info. Well, I mean, The Scratch Members will have reasons to say yes and no. But when they only know a few, what should they say?

Scratch Transition Team
Helps you survive the  BING BANG! (big bang)



#5402 2012-11-04 07:57:59

Registered: 2010-11-24
Posts: 22

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'd like to be a scratch curator! I've seen MANY projects, and a few of them really stood out to me- such as Worm Bridges, Blob, and the more modern Ice Slide! I've seen other projects that seem really great but haven't been home paged. That's why I'd like to be a curator.

when gf clicked
repeat until <(timer) > [infinity]>
   go to [scratch home page]
say [I WILL BE A CURATOR!!!] for (ever) secs



#5403 2012-11-04 14:21:30

Registered: 2012-07-12
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be one cause none of my projects have ever been curated or featured. I just want to stand out!



#5404 2012-11-05 18:37:32

Registered: 2012-10-27
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Yay I got curated!!!!!;action=onlineStatus&amp;online=



#5405 2012-11-05 20:34:38

Registered: 2012-10-21
Posts: 76

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I will do it P.S. would I get paid?




#5406 2012-11-05 20:43:34

Registered: 2010-07-16
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Portalmaker wrote:

I will do it P.S. would I get paid?

No. Reread the topic post. 2.0 Alpha Tester!



#5407 2012-11-05 21:27:53

Registered: 2012-05-26
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Portalmaker wrote:

I will do it P.S. would I get paid?

It's a privilege not a duty.



#5408 2012-11-05 23:05:07

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Portalmaker wrote:

I will do it P.S. would I get paid?

No, you will not get paid. If you want to even stand a chance at becoming curator nowadays, you'll need to write an actual speech. It's similar to becoming class president or something similar; you have to give a speech to show people why you'd be good, and you'll be doing it because you are passionate about it, not for any other reason. And, you'll be doing it not as a job, but as a reward.



#5409 2012-11-07 06:29:38

Registered: 2012-03-31
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

numberonegamers wrote:

I would like to be one cause none of my projects have ever been curated or featured. I just want to stand out!

If you want to get chosen, write a speech, be nice, and write why would you like to be one.

Scratch Transition Team
Helps you survive the  BING BANG! (big bang)



#5410 2012-11-08 17:20:08

Registered: 2012-07-31
Posts: 23

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

when gf clicked
ask [what is a curator?] for(2) secs

smile   sad    wink   
                 Now my face hurts.



#5411 2012-11-08 17:26:08

Registered: 2010-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi ST,

I'm roijac, active since about one and a half years, mainly in the AT's. I made quite a lot of math/algorithm related projects, and I'm the main M30W developer (text-based Scratch in python - check it out  wink )
I wasn't featured yet, but was curated once. Especially when I started, I was very annoyed that nobody looked at my projects.
As a curator, I'd like to curate all kind of projects from more or less unknown scratchers, like this one, this beautiful pattern or this game, though I'll slightly favor more math/science related projects.

I believe that just by looking at most recent projects one can always find good projects that deserve views and respect, and I'll try to find some projects to curate this way.

I'll also try to curate some projects from the German communmity - I speak German fluently and I feel the ones that cannot speak very well English don't get  as much attention some of them deserve.

Thanks for reading, and please consider me!


Last edited by roijac (2012-11-08 17:26:44)



#5412 2012-11-09 11:39:34

Registered: 2012-01-26
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

thornshadow111 wrote:

when gf clicked
ask [what is a curator?] for(2) secs

check the first post



#5413 2012-11-09 16:10:15

Registered: 2011-01-23
Posts: 14

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would really like to be curator please  smile   big_smile  I would only curate projects that are well made and are not horrible but i wouldn't curate a project by a person who is always on the frontpage. I enjoy games but if they are good then animations and drawing might be acceptable.

when gf clicked
if <[comment]=[can i be curated]>
say [sure i will take a look]
if <[Project]=[good]>
say [sure thing]
Curate [Project]
hopefully i didn't mess up!



#5414 2012-11-09 17:21:09

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

zach229 wrote:

I would really like to be curator please  smile   big_smile  I would only curate projects that are well made and are not horrible but i wouldn't curate a project by a person who is always on the frontpage. I enjoy games but if they are good then animations and drawing might be acceptable.

when gf clicked
if <[comment]=[can i be curated]>
say [sure i will take a look]
if <[Project]=[good]>
say [sure thing]
Curate [Project]
hopefully i didn't mess up!

I think Scratch wants to know what you define as "good"!;action=onlineStatus&amp;online=;offline=
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



#5415 2012-11-09 17:43:51

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Mokat wrote:

Hello. I'm Mokat and I'd like to apply to be curator. I'm an 11-year-old girl, and my favorite thing to do in my free time is to computer program- using Scratch, HTML, CSS, and I'd like to learn Python.

I would like to be curator because I feel that the quality of the front page is getting worse- More art projects, coloring contests, and "Remix this and add ____!" are getting frontpaged and less games, funny animations, and genuinely good projects are getting front-paged.

I enjoy looking at the curated projects to see what others have chosen to curate. I usually enjoy animations, AMVs, and certain games a lot, but I sometimes come across something where I'm like, "Wow! This is awesome!", but then I see that the project only has a few views. I wish I could help to increase those views, but I'm unsure of how. If I were curator, I would curate those projects.  smile 

I would curate new projects daily, because I know some curators that only curated a couple projects. I like variety, so I would choose a broad range of project genres: Games, simulation, platformers, animations, AMVs (as these can be quite original and complicated, unlike what Firedrake969 stated), platformers (which can also be quite original), and pretty much any project that I find "good".

I would take requests from people on curated projects, but I would have a few guidelines:
-The project has to have less than 60 views
-It can't be a project where you "remix and enter the contest!" or "Add yourself doing _____!"
-The project owner can't have been frontpaged recently (except for Scratch Design Studio or Newest)

I hope that the Scratch Team takes me into consideration for curator, and remember, Sⓒ®atch On!
-Mokat  smile



#5416 2012-11-09 18:59:14

Registered: 2011-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Community, I am ImagineIt, a proud Scratcher for almost two years now! As you can probably see, I am applying to be curator on the home page.

Why I Would Like to be Curator
I would like to be curator because I see so many amazing, fun, imaginative projects out there that go so unnoticed. I don’t understand this. So many people do so much hard work on their project, and get no views because they aren’t in the group of “popular” scratchers. I don’t like this. I believe that these other scratchers that feel invisible should get many more views than they do now. The one way I can think of doing this, since I’m not very popular myself, is to become curator.

What I Would Curate
I would curate projects of many genres, and have guidelines for projects similar to the featured row’s. One example of a project I would curate would be

Blox Road by CoolLegoJack
Another would be
What am I? by runnerdude127

Some genres I would curate would be
Math projects,
and many more.

I will search hard for projects every day, and add every project I will or did curate to a gallery. I will take suggestions from the community. I will only curate a project if the project’s creator allows me to. I will curate 3 projects a day for a total of 42 projects! I think those 42 people will be very happy!

I will do my best and try hard if I become a curator. I am hoping that I can be one, but I know that I may not be the best for the job. If you do pick me, I thank you very much in advance. Thanks, and scratch on.

P.S. Please do not take the amount of favorites I have into my chances of becoming a curator. I used to favorite a lot of things, but I've stopped now. Please only look at my recent ones if you would like to take that into account.

Last edited by ImagineIt (2012-11-09 19:01:13)



#5417 2012-11-11 08:27:51

Registered: 2011-09-29
Posts: 4

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I love the idea of becoming a curator! It just seemes so wonderful! Though I could never imagine myself as a curator, but you know it could be worth my while to try!  big_smile



#5418 2012-11-11 20:57:44

Registered: 2012-04-10
Posts: 4

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi, i have been with scratch for a while and would like to be a curator. I would curate games that are very in depth, with lots of features and you can tell that the creator worked very hard on, along with cool new things that you've never seen scratchers do before with scratch, like a full 3d game or a full game creator made within scratch.

Example game: It is something new to scratch, that you can see that the creator put alot of effort into.



#5419 2012-11-12 09:24:14

Registered: 2012-09-29
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would be a good curator!

Wuntz a pun a tiem dere wuz a ranndumb guy. da end.
GENERATION 32: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment



#5420 2012-11-12 10:15:10

Registered: 2012-08-13
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become a curator. I have seen many projects that need views and lack in love-its, although they deserve them. Some front-paged projects these days are not worthy of the front page, and I want to change this. What I consider to be a good project would be one with fantastic graphics, complete, without (or minimal) glitches, and is interesting and funny. I lean more towards animations and AMVs, although I do like well developed games.
Thank you.  smile

This will be replaced by an awesome sig from here soon!  big_smile;action=onlineStatus&amp;online=;offline=



#5421 2012-11-12 12:38:06

Registered: 2012-08-08
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

MEOWCAT34 wrote:

I would be a good curator!

Give at least 5-10 sentences to have a chance.

Alt of Firedrake969.



#5422 2012-11-12 12:58:36

Registered: 2012-09-29
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become a curator because-

1. I want to make the projects I like famous

2. It would be fun for me

3. It would make every one happy

Kinds of stuff I would curate-

1. Blob Dungeon by sonicdv

2. Mission by Blaze_X

3. Chat Room 1s 1s by Vortex_

4. Some projects you will suggest

Good luck getting curated if i'm curator.

Wuntz a pun a tiem dere wuz a ranndumb guy. da end.
GENERATION 32: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment



#5423 2012-11-13 19:29:22

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I will make a Speech and hope for the best!

Hello Scratch team, although I have never succeded in becoming a curator, I will keep trying even if my homework piles up or if my mom gets mad at me (just kidding, but that homework part was real  smile  )  tongue

So you might be wondering, why me? (honestly, posting speeches and making other people try to beat it is just mean my opinion  big_smile  ) I think I am very nice (again, it seems very mean to say "pick me im best", but I have to try!) and will pick projects that have not gotten a place on front page and I will strive to make them grin soo much I will make their mouth hurt! Once, I gotten front paged and I grinned soo much and I ended up telling my friends (all 17 of them), my mom, my dad, my grandma (which does not know english, so I had to speak Cantonese to her, which, I cannot speak fluently, like I can only say major words), and my sister! I know what other people will feel if I front page one of their projects and let the whole world see!  Second, I am not bias. (I feel like I am trying to boast  sad  ) I will not just pick my friends project, only pick simulation projects, I will pick
Board games
Card games
Dice games
Miniature games
Pencil-and-paper games
Tile-based games
Role-playing games
Chess game
Alternate reality games
Educational games
Card Games
Children's games
Creative games
Letter games
Play-by-mail games
Play-by-post games
Locative games
and I will not only choose those games , but will also choose
Mathematical games
Parlor games
Party games
Conversation games
Daring games
Guessing games
Singing games
Paper and pencil games
Playground games
Role-playing games
Skill games
Street games
Travel games
Word games.

Credits to wikipedia

(I think scratch moderators will have trouble reading that list XD)
Being not bias, in my opinion, is the most important. This is because I feel like a curator cannot choose projects solely by their religion, likes and dislikes, relying on relationships (what I mean is like only choosing your friends, on Scratch or not on Scratch), randomly choosing projects (I am soo happy no one has done that before), leaving a project on front page longer because of some other reason and choosing a project because you think they will thank you back.
A good curator will not only do the things above, but will give comments on how to improve. An example is if a game is lacking views, I will help them try to reach their full potential! This can include commenting, curating if I can understand they tried their best , or if I know them, emailing. Downloading their project and helping to improve their scripting skills is an example. (you might be thinking how I can do this much in a day. Truth is, I spend a large amount of time on Scratch, because I quit another game a day ago, and I am not regretting that decision!) I will help people that is getting curated, just made a project, new to scratch (I will find them through the "Welcome to Scratch" post), and my friends (but I will not only help my friends)  Also, I will give people a chance to tell me their projects, by commenting on a project or posting on a forum, I am choosing, but either way, games really in the dustbin will get found, reviewed, and more love! You might be thinking this is too good to be true, but remember, I have been on Scratch for a while now and I have experience with majority of Scratch programs, except raycasting!!! Thanks for reading this massive post, if this post does not past the character limit I will be impressed XD (PS, I wanted to make sure that to the reader of this speech, I want Scratch members to be happy and to share the love with everyone, even you!!!! oh and by the way, if you have not noticed, I love scratch and if I did not, I would have not joined for soo long, as all my other games I joined, I only stayed on the game for about half a year, then quit.  smile

Some projects that I like:
I will try to find some projects that I like, as in I know they tried their best to make this game! Thanks!
pps: I used my old script because I forgot to put links in!

Last edited by KrIsMa (2012-11-13 19:30:00);action=onlineStatus&amp;online=;offline=
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



#5424 2012-11-13 20:28:49

Registered: 2012-04-19
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

If I was curator I would do a different theme every two days.

Month X Day 1 (x1)
Do three good projects

Do three good drawings

Do three good animations

And so on.

Little known fact. You are acting cray cray.



#5425 2012-11-13 20:31:09

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

The_Scratch wrote:

If I was curator I would do a different theme every two days.

Month X Day 1 (x1)
Do three good projects

Do three good drawings

Do three good animations

And so on.

KrIsMa wrote:

Please, thanks for all your speeches, but please do not post a speech
1. Less than 50 or less words,
2. Just saying, "I want to be a curator"
3. Less that 4 sentences,
4. Sounding that you have to become a curator, like, "Make me curator",
5. Irrelevant comments,
6. Saying that you want to "only" post a certain project type,
7. Not giving a reason why you want to become a curator.
8. Not giving examples.


That is one sentence,

and so on does not  count.

Do three good animations

does not count!

Last edited by KrIsMa (2012-11-13 20:34:13);action=onlineStatus&amp;online=;offline=
The Scratch Team (and fellow scratchers!) is/are so nice!!!



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