Hi there,
I have a lot of fonts installed on my computer, so I have to go trough them every time I want to use one. In Scratch, I have no preview of the font and the font list is just weird - you have to click "more" every time, it has no "recent fonts" list like in Word, and there is no "back" button. In some programs, you can search for font just typing it's name in the font field, and you have to spend hours on searching it in Scratch.
You could make the list scrolling, or at least make the "back" button... And think about the preview.
Thank you,
PS. Look at my forums, there is a link in my signature
I'm not actually that fussed about the "back" feature, but what I would like is an example of the font as in Microsoft Word; so I agree with you.
JSO wrote:
I agree... I usually open word for a preview, then open Scratch again
Same here. It's pretty awkward.
In Linux it's /usr/share/fonts/ and I have about 1300 fonts installed (shouldn't have downloaded the fonts from my old windows -_-' ) and I agree, there should really be a new font selector.