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As in, would the uploading time be a significant factor in the amount of views a project gets? As an example, if I were to upload the exact same project in the noon or evening, which would get more views? Would either of them get any views at all?
Yeah, it will be. If you post a project in the middle of the night less people would view it then.
northmeister wrote:
Yeah, it will be. If you post a project in the middle of the night less people would view it then.
But there would be less projects being uploaded so it would stay new longer.
I wouldn't say that time of day is a factor. But, I would say that day of the week is a factor.
I have the most success posting near the beginning of the week. There are less people online during the weekends. So, I usually post my games on Monday or Tuesday.
BoltBait wrote:
I wouldn't say that time of day is a factor. But, I would say that day of the week is a factor.
I have the most success posting near the beginning of the week. There are less people online during the weekends. So, I usually post my games on Monday or Tuesday.
I'm mostly on weekends. Anyway,yes.
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