I know I am a bonehead, eh?
FistofDeath wrote:
Is there somthing wrong with my classes? When I open the document in Chrome, all I get is a blank page.
<html> <title>STUFF HERE</title> <body> <style> background-color:#000000; color:grey; .mainBoxes { border:dotted, 5px; color: red; background-color:webkit-gradient: #FFFFFF-#000000; align:center } </style> <div style="border:dotted, 5px; color: red; background-color:webkit-gradient: #FFFFFF-#000000; align:center"/> <strong>Welcome blahblahblah</strong> this is where more stuff goes </div> <p> <div class="mainBoxes"> <a href="blah.html">Home</a> <p> <a href="bleh.html">Other things</a> <div> <p> lolwut </body>Well, that is not really my text, but you get the idea. Anyway, is there something wrong?
Replied on Coders' Shed. Oh, you're FistofDeath, i didn't know.
scimonster wrote:
Replied on Coders' Shed. Oh, you're FistofDeath, i didn't know.
Oh. Yeah.
well, there's no closing </html> tag. Could that be it?
joefarebrother wrote:
well, there's no closing </html> tag. Could that be it?
OH, I forgot to copy that.
And anyway, it's fixed now.
I'm not a wiz at HTML, but maybe it's because you don't properly end the <p> elements? You don't have any </p>, and where there's supposed to be </p>, there's a <p>, maybe that's it?
Try without the CSS, check to see if it's your HTML, or you're CSS.
TorbyFork234 wrote:
I'm not a wiz at HTML, but maybe it's because you don't properly end the <p> elements? You don't have any </p>, and where there's supposed to be </p>, there's a <p>, maybe that's it?
Try without the CSS, check to see if it's your HTML, or you're CSS.
It's fixed.
Well, you have enough syntax errors to drown in. Here's a fix. Not sure if it's what you wanted exactly, but it shows up:
<html> <head> <title>STUFF HERE</title> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color:#000000; color:grey; } .mainBoxes { border:dotted, 5px; color: red; background-color:webkit-gradient: #FFFFFF-#000000; align:center } </style> </head> <body> <div style="border:dotted, 5px; color: red; background-color:webkit-gradient: #FFFFFF-#000000; align:center"> <strong>Welcome blahblahblah</strong> this is where more stuff goes </div> <p></p> <div class="mainBoxes"> <a href="blah.html">Home</a> <p></p> <a href="bleh.html">Other things</a> </div> <p></p> lolwut </body> </html>
Also, use <br /> instead of empty <p> tags.