chongyian wrote:
How about we take games made by professionals and try to recreate one of them?
Add this to the combination! We could do it in order... 1. Choose and recreate the game, 2. Redo the sprites, 3. Add levels, 4. Make a random level generator, 5. Repeat.
i'm sorry i have not been here for a while, but how about we remix computor games and scratch projects? that way we get more credit
When do we start?
Mind if i join. Im lazy but can make really Platformers (If i have alot of time)
u can join
Celebimaster, did you see the latest TF: Prime episode? I greatly respect Megatron now and despise Dreadwing wholeheartedly. [/offtopic]
Anyway, what's our frst project going to be?
I don't know. I will leave it to you guys, because I was just over my head, thinking this was a very easy idea. I just can't do It. I am sorry.
celebimaster wrote:
I don't know. I will leave it to you guys, because I was just over my head, thinking this was a very easy idea. I just can't do It. I am sorry.
If that is the case, do you mind letting me take over? I may be busy, but I can make it work. I'll put up a new topic for it if yes.
Celebimaster has given me permission to take over Retrofurbishment. If you want to see the new thread, go here and check in.