Oh, no! That is quite a problem. When will these mice stop? They are causing a lot of trouble for sure. But then again, how will the Scratch Cat be fed? Uh-oh. I have to go back to the lab.
The-Whiz wrote:
I uploaded a mouse and it got loose in my computer and ate al the cheese crumbs in the keyboard.
Are you sure it wasn't a rat? Scratch Cat doesn't like them.
So this should be added to the bug list! Thank you for your cooperation. Back to the "milk" variable, don't even try to make it when you're eating a toast with honey, it causes Scratch cat's hidden allergy so he refuses to snap block together so you have to wait more than usually.
Scratch Cat will only hide if he sees toast on weekdays. On weekends he doesn't seem to mind it. But I'm not sure if we would want to take that chance. We wouldn't want to upset Scratch Cat, that's animal cruelty.
That's the only way I can think of to make a project about toast over the weekdays. I would wait for a weekend, though. Toast is basically Scratch Cat's worst nightmare.
The-Whiz wrote:
Yeah it is... but what if you want to make a project about toast on the weekdays? Do you feed him a mouse and make it while he is eating?
I'd disguise toast as waffles, then FIRE YOUR LAZOR/project while everybody is flaming the waffles.
Waffles and pancakes aren't toasts (Scratch cat likes them a bit), but Scratch Cat can't eat them if there is a Thunderbird installed (Thunderbird eats them first), so he refuses to update sensor blocks.
I'm moving this to Inspiration and More, new users looking for information why their Scratch refuses to start up might be quite confused when they read about mice,cheese crumbs and rats.
BWOG wrote:
Can I eat candy while using motion blocks? I do know choclate messes it up, but what about life-savers?
As long there is no violet or purple colour addition, you can eat chocolateless candy. This colour addition messes up self-incremental variables. But beware, aspartame causes Scratch cat to sneeze and mess up your lists while looking for tissues.
Helpful tip: Drinking Gatorade can malfuction Scratch, because the Scratch Cat like Gatorade so much, he breaks through all of the custumes, backrounds and scripts just to get a tiny drink. You can tell if that happened if there are Scratch Cat shaped holes in the scripts.
can i eat my cheese while i program and make a variable called milk?
Yes you can! make sure you don't use crumbley cheese that falls into the keyboard!!That can stop you from making the milk varible.
But I found that eating a banana while playing Scratch causes it to freeze! What about other fruit?
To those who are confused: just play along.
dingdong wrote:
We were just doing harmless research on eating cheese while programming and making a milk variable. We didn't mean to be nasty and wasteful. If you don't care about somebody who wants to eat cheese while using Scratch and making a variable named milk, what will you care about?